
来源 :矿山机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blankduckying
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1975年7月,美国的第一台巴塔克末煤跳汰机安装在依利诺斯州 old Ben 第26~# 矿井的选煤厂里。该厂于68年投产,当时的处理能力为600吨/小时。其工艺流程为:6~100毫米的块煤用几台鲍姆跳汰机分选,0~6毫米的末煤用风力摇床来选别。由于原煤中水分较高,致使风力摇床的效率很低。当用巴塔克跳汰机(处理能力为400吨/小时,入料粒度为0~12毫米)代替风力摇床时,该选煤厂的处理能力达到800吨/小时。采用这种跳汰机是由于以下几个原因:选煤厂生产场地的限制;分选比重必须在1.6~2.0的范围内灵活调整;在分选精度要求不太高的情况下,采用具有磁性介质系统的重 In July 1975, the first Batak coal jig in the United States was installed at the coal preparation plant at Pit 26 to Old Ben, Illinois. The plant was put into operation in 68 years, when the handling capacity of 600 tons / hour. The process is: 6 ~ 100 mm of lump coal with several Baum jig sorting, 0 ~ 6 mm of the end of coal with a wind shaker to sort. Due to the high moisture in the raw coal, the efficiency of the wind shaker is very low. The capacity of the coal preparation plant reached 800 t / h when a Batak jig (with a processing capacity of 400 t / h and a feed grain size of 0 to 12 mm) was used instead of the wind shaker. The use of this jig is due to the following reasons: the coal preparation plant production site restrictions; sorting proportion must be flexibly adjusted within the range of 1.6 to 2.0; in the case of sorting accuracy is not too high, the use of magnetic The weight of the media system
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目的:探讨无肺部并发症的不同孕周早产儿肺功能的动态变化,以及比较在纠正胎龄37-41周期间时支气管肺发育不良(Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, BPD)患儿和非BPD早产儿间肺功能
目的:为了解初诊癫痫患儿血清维生素D营养状况,以探讨维生素D水平与癫痫的关系。  研究方法:收集2015年6月到2016年9月在本院儿科住院的初诊癫痫患儿124例作为病例组,以同期
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公元2010年。地点桃花源。正如陶渊明所描写的,这里桃树“夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷”。这时,不远处飞来了一对百灵鸟,停歇在桃树上,交谈着——  甲:“嘿!老兄,最近怎没见你?去哪了?”  乙:“老弟,我到外面玩了。你有所不知,外面的世界可比这桃花源精彩多了。他们有比我们高数十倍的楼房,有自己会跑的汽车,有那满天绚丽的烟花,有高几十米的音乐喷泉……”  这一切都被我,一个在桃花源长大