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长期以来,陕西国防科工办党委高度重视宣传思想工作,始终以中国特色社会主义理论为指导,以促进广大干部职工的全面发展、构建和谐军工为目标,以基层党建工作目标责任考核为抓手,紧紧围绕学习贯彻党的方针政策和国防科技工业改革发展战略,为陕西国防科技工业改革发展提供了强有力的思想政治保障。面对新形势新任务新挑战,我们将以贯彻落实全国宣传思想工作会议精神为契机,进一步加强和改进全系统的宣传思想工作,为国防现代化建设和中国梦的实现做出新贡献。 For a long time, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Defense Science and Technology Office of the party has attached great importance to propaganda and ideological work, has always been guided by the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, with the goal of promoting the all-round development of cadres and workers and building a harmonious military workers, with the target responsibility assessment of grass-roots party building as the starting point , Closely followed the study and implementation of the party’s guidelines and policies and the strategy of reform and development of the national defense science and technology industry, and provided a powerful ideological and political guarantee for the reform and development of the national defense science and technology industry in Shaanxi. Faced with the new situation, new tasks and new challenges, we will take the opportunity of implementing the national conference on propaganda and ideology as an opportunity to further strengthen and improve system-wide advocacy and ideological work and make new contributions to the modernization of national defense and the realization of the Chinese dream.
Objective. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection induces both gastric (GU) and duodenal ulcers (DU). We examined whether host immunological response to H. p
Background: Diets with a high glycaemic response exacerbate the metabolic consequences of the insulin resistance syndrome. Their effects on the incidence of gal
出身贫寒,依靠文韬武略,协助帝王成就雄霸伟业,几人能做到?功成名就,携娇妻美眷退隐江湖,泛舟五湖任逍遥,几人能成行?商以致富,千万黄金于一身,千金散尽还复来,几人能实现?  这一切,范蠡做到了。他以自己的智慧行事,终成陶朱之富,被人们尊为一代“商圣”!  范蠡(前536-前448),别称陶朱公,字少伯,宛地三户邑(今河南南阳淅川、内乡一带)。春秋末期杰出的政治家、军事家、经济学家和商人,是中国儒商
目的探讨结肠血管发育不良(AD)的临床特点以及肠镜下高频电治疗的安全性、疗效.方法分析结肠AD的临床和肠镜特点,对结肠AD无症状者、合并出血者和出血后肠镜治疗者进行了3年随访以了解结肠AD自发出血的风险和治疗的效果.结果 10 200例结肠镜检查患者中共检出结肠AD 126例,总检出率为1.24%,无症状组血管畸形检出率为0.89%;出血组2.62%;非出血组0.82%.1014例无症状者检出9例