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一、调节一般商品生产的两因素 在商品经济社会形态下,社会生产各部门间客观存在着一定的比例关系。人们在经济活动中,通过各种不同的形式,实现这个客观存在的比例关系,力图保证各生产部门平衡发展。马克思指出:“人人都同样知道要想得到和各种不同的需要量相适应的产品量,就要付出各种不同的和一定数量的社会总劳动量。这种按一定比例分配社会劳动的必要性,决不可能被社会生产的一定形式所取消,而可能改变的只是它的表现形式。这是不言而喻的。” 那么,在商品生产中,社会劳动在各个生产部门之间的分配比例,是由什么调节呢? 马克思在分析资本主义商品生产时指出:“诚然,不同的生产领域经常力求保持平衡,一方面因为,每一个商品生产者都必须生产一种使用价值,即满足一种特殊的社会需要,而这种需要的范围在量上是不同的,一种内在的联系把各种不同的需要量连成一个自然的体系。另一方面因为,商品的价值规律决定社会在它所支配的全部劳动时间中能够用多少时间去生产每一种特殊的商品。”在这里,马克思指出的不同生产领域经常力求保持平衡的两个方面的原因,也就是调节资本主义商品生产各个部门之间比例关系的两种内在力量。这两种力量,不是资本主义生产方式独有的,而是一般商品生产共有的。社会需要和? First, the adjustment of two factors of general merchandise production In the economic and social forms of commodities, there is a certain proportion of objective relations among various departments of social production. In economic activities, people adopt various forms to realize this objectively existing proportional relationship and strive to ensure the balanced development of all sectors of production. Marx pointed out: “Everyone, equally, knows that to obtain the quantity of products that suits different needs, it is necessary to pay different and certain amounts of total social labor, which is necessary for distributing social labor according to a certain proportion It is self-evident that sex can never be abolished by a certain form of social production, but only its manifestation may change. ”Then, in the production of goods, the distribution of social labor among the various productive sectors Proportions, by what adjustment? Marx in the analysis of the production of capitalist goods pointed out: “Admittedly, different production areas often strive to maintain balance, on the one hand because every commodity producer must produce a use value, that is, to meet a A kind of special social needs, and the scope of such needs is different in quantity, an inner link connects various different needs into a natural system, and on the other hand, the law of the value of commodities determines that society How much time it can devote to producing each special commodity for the entire period of labor. ”Here, Marx pointed out that the different areas of production often The reason to maintain a balance of two aspects, that is, adjust the two kinds of inner strength proportional relationship between the various departments of capitalist commodity production. These two forces are not unique to the capitalist mode of production but are common to ordinary commodity production. Social needs and?
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