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宪法是国家的根本大法,是治国安邦的总章程,具有最高的法律地位、法律权威、法律效力,具有根本性、全局性、稳定性、长期性。党的十八届四中全会明确提出,坚持依法治国首先要坚持依宪治国,然而,在现实生活中坚持依宪治国还有一段差距,要真正做到依宪治国,必须加强宪法宣传教育,强化宪法意识;加强对宪法的立法保障,完善以宪法为核心的法律体系;健全宪法实施和监督制度,保证宪法法律有效实施;建立宪法救济制度,保障公民的宪法权利;坚持党的领导,改进党的领导方式和执政方式。 The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country and the general statute of governing the country and its security. It has the highest legal status, legal authority and legal validity. It is fundamental, global, stable and long-term. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party made it clear that insisting that governing the country according to law must first adhere to the principle of governing the country according to the constitution, however, there is still a long way to go to adhere to the principle of governing the country according to the law in real life. To truly governed the country according to the constitution, we must step up publicity and education on the constitution, Strengthen the constitutional awareness; strengthen the legislative protection of the Constitution, improve the legal system with the constitution as the core; perfect the system of constitutional implementation and supervision to ensure the effective implementation of constitutional law; establish a constitutional relief system to protect citizens’ constitutional rights; uphold the leadership of the party and improve The Party’s Leading Style and Ruling Style.
“六一”国际儿童节前夕,本刊特约请了几位少儿工作者,就独生子女的教育问题发表意见。他们呼吁家庭、学校、社会都要关心和重视这方面的问题。 On the eve of June 1 Inter
由于化学危险物品的种类繁多,其燃烧特点及燃烧产物有所不同,扑救措施也有差别。现就消防管理范围内的化学危险品火灾特征和扑救要求作一浅述。 一、易燃固体 在常温下以固
本发明提出了一种碳纤维等离子体接枝氧化石墨烯的表面改性的方法,首先将碳纤维材料置于等离子氛围中,其中等离子体产生装置的功率为100~1 000 W,处理时间为10~900 s;将经过