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Diarra, a Mallian from Africa, is the first foreigner who has been granted the Doctor’s degree of traditional Chinese medicine in China. He came to China in 1984, and became, in 1986, a student of Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he stayed 8 years for the Bachelor and Master’s degree of traditional Chinese medicine. For further study, he entered Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and began his doctorate study. After graduation in 1997, he was engaged as a doctor-in-chief by Chengdu Hengbo Hospital. Diarra is well received by patients for his peculiar and effective way of treatment.He combines acupuncture and moxibustion with medicine, and pays special attention to the treatment at designated hours in terms of the heavenly stems and earthly branches according to an ancient Chinese acupuncture theory. Diarra has read a lot of books of traditional Chinese medicine, most of which are classical Chinese, which are very difficult to read even for Chinese people.Diarra said:“All my success must owe to the books I have read.” Diarra, a Mallian from Africa, is the first foreigner who has been granted the Doctor’s degree of traditional Chinese medicine in China. He came to China in 1984, and became, in 1986, a student of Guangzhou College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where he stayed further years in the Bachelor and Master’s degree of traditional Chinese medicine. For further study, he entered Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and began his doctorate study. After graduation in 1997, he was engaged as a doctor-in-chief by Chengdu Hengbo Hospital. Diarra is well received by patients for his peculiar and effective way of treatment. He combines acupuncture and moxibustion with medicine, and pays special attention to the treatment of designated hours in terms of the heavenly stems and earthly branches according to an ancient Chinese acupuncture theory. Diarra has read a lot of books of traditional Chinese medicine, most of which are classical Chinese, which are very difficult to read even for Ch inese people. Diarra said: “All my success must owe to the books I have read.”
曾经,在中央电视台音乐电视大赛的颁奖晚会上见到过她。 “让往事飞/让往事飞/让往事别苦苦把你跟随”几行歌词,几幕画面一晃而过,当她。款款从台后走来,当她身后的大屏幕上
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本文以全氟磺酸树脂(perfluorosulfonated resin,PSR)为载体及改性剂,采用流延成膜制得4种不同TiO2浓度的TiO2/PSR复合膜。利用X射线衍射和Fourier变换红外光谱对PSR膜及PSR/TiO2复合膜的结构进行了表征,对制得的复合膜光催化降解性能以及重复光催化活性进行考察。结果发现:TiO2质量分数为15[%]时,复合膜光催化性能达到最高,2h紫外光照射后甲基橙降
中后颅窝肿瘤主要有三叉神经鞘瘤和脑膜瘤.该部位肿瘤由于生长位置的特殊性,手术切除困难,术后并发症多[1].目前针对该部位的手术入路较多,但如何根据肿瘤生长特点来选择合理手术入路是手术治疗的难点.我们在2002年3月至2005年5月间,经颞底经小脑幕入路切除骑跨中后颅窝肿瘤17例,其中脑膜瘤10 例,三叉神经鞘瘤7例,取得良好治疗效果。