
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxcfs
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本省入夏以来,不少地区遭受自然灾害,尤其是雹灾,为多少年来所未有,致麦田受灾,颇为严重。为照顾被灾农民生活生产起见,特呈讲中央批准,给受灾严重地区灭免或减轻五○年度夏征负担。本府已根据各地灾情及减产程度,将应减数日分配各专(另文通知)。为了正确贯澈灭灾政策,使受灾农民得到合理减免与照顾,并保证夏征任务百分之百完成,兹根据前华北区农业税灾情减免暂行办法精神及本省具体情况,本简便易行原则,特作如下指示:一、一般的普遍歉收(如某县、村普遍旱灾或雨灾),这是属于一般的年成问题,在专县分配总任务时,可依一县或一付,平均照顾。如 Since the beginning of summer in this province, quite a number of areas have suffered natural disasters, especially hail disaster, which has hit the world in unprecedented numbers. In order to take care of the livelihood and production of the affected peasants, the Central Government approved the special provision of the Central Government to exterminate or reduce the burden on the affected areas in the worst hit areas. The government has allocated a few days according to the disaster situation and the extent of production cuts (the other notice). In order to correctly explain the policy of eliminating disasters and make the affected peasants receive reasonable relief and take care of them, and ensure that the task of summer levy is completed by one hundred percent, according to the previous interim measures of agricultural tax relief in North China and the specific conditions of this province, this simple and easy principle is as follows Directives: First, the general general failure (such as drought and rainstorm in a county or village) is a general year-by-year problem. When assigning general tasks in a special county, we can take care of them on an average basis. Such as
目的观察长期口服小剂量红霉素对支气管扩张症稳定期患者的疗效,并对铜绿假单胞菌定植亚组进行分层分析。方法 42例确诊为支气管扩张症患者,对照组口服安慰剂30mg,每日2次;治
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