南京市“万人评议机关活动”动了真 ,对在评议中人民不满意的几个部门的主要负责人进行了认真处理 ,这件事已经在全国引起强烈反响。这件事本身告诉人们 :现行官员考核制度亟待改革。考核是为了什么 ?官员的考核又是为了什么 ?认真研究起来 ,进行考核的人恐怕说不出多少所以然
Nanjing’s “Ten-thousand-person Reviewing Organization’s Activities” Moved Truthfully and Earnestly Handling the Principal Officials in Several Departments Not Satisfied by the People in the Review It has aroused strong repercussions across the country. This incident itself tells people: The current official examination system is in urgent need of reform. What is the assessment for? Official assessment is for what? Seriously study, the assessment of people probably can not say why