On two transverse nonlinear models of axially moving beams

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaxianfeiaini
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Nonlinear models of transverse vibration of axially moving beams are computationally investigated. A partial-differential equation is derived from the governing equation of coupled planar motion by omit- ting its longitudinal terms. The model can be reduced to an integro-partial-differential equation by av- eraging the beam disturbed tension. Numerical schemes are respectively presented for the governing equations of coupled planar and the two governing equations of transverse motion via the finite dif- ference method and differential quadrature method under the fixed boundary and the simple support boundary. A steel beam and a copper beam are treated as examples to demonstrate the deviations of the solutions to the two transverse equations from the solution to the coupled equation. The numerical results indicate that the differences increase with the amplitude of vibration and the axial speed. Both models yield almost the same precision results for small amplitude vibration and the inte- gro-partial-differential equation gives better results for large amplitude vibration. Nonlinear models of transverse vibration of axially moving beams are computationally investigated. A partial-differential equation is derived from the governing equation of coupled planar motion by omit- ting its longitudinal terms. The model can be reduced to an integro-partial-differential equation by av-eraging the beam disturbed tension. Numerical schemes are respectively presented for the governing equations of coupled planar and the two governing equations of transverse motion via the finite dif ference method and differential quadrature method under the fixed boundary and the simple support boundary. A steel beam and a copper beam are treated as examples to demonstrate the deviations of the solutions to the two transverse equations from the solution to the coupled equation. The numerical results indicate that the differences increase with the amplitude of vibration and the axial speed. Both models yield almost the same precision results for small amplitude vibration and the in te-gro-partial-differential equation gives better results for large amplitude vibration.
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