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自1980s以来中国集装箱运输以年均24.78%的速度快速增长,其中70%以上为外贸集装箱量,研究外贸集装箱生成的空间分布和差异对发展中国的集装箱运输至关重要。作者对我国340个地级市2013年外贸集装箱生成量分布特征的研究认为,地级市的集装箱生成能力具有明显的趋海性特征,呈现出由东部向中、西迅速递减的格局,东部沿海51个地级市4.56%的国土面积上生成了65.4%的外贸集装箱;距离海岸线350km以内约全国面积16.23%的地级市,形成了高达94.12%的外贸集装箱量;距离海岸线350km以外83.77%的国土面积上,仅具有全国约6%的集装箱生成能力。利用探索性空间数据分析方法研究空间差异的结果表明,我国外贸集装箱生成同时也具有明显的不均衡性特征,在集装箱分布高度密集的东部沿海地,山东半岛区域、长三角地区、海峡西岸和珠三角地区是显著性热点区域,而西部绝大部分地区及东北的部分城市是显著性的冷点区域。基于外贸集装箱分布明显的趋海性和不均衡性特征,在对集装箱港口腹地的划分、港口布局及港口集疏运体系的规划等方面的研究过程中,应重点关注距海岸线350km以内的东部沿海区域的相关问题。 Since 1980s, China’s container transport has been growing rapidly at an average annual rate of 24.78%. More than 70% of these are foreign trade container volumes. Studying the spatial distribution and differences in the generation of foreign trade containers is of crucial importance for the development of container transport in China. The author of the 340 prefecture-level cities in China in 2013 to analyze the characteristics of the volume of foreign trade container construction that prefecture-level city container generating capacity has a clear trend toward the sea features showing a rapidly decreasing from the east to the west, the pattern of the east coast 65.4% of foreign trade containers were produced on 4.56% of the prefecture-level cities; and about 94.12% of the container trade volume is about 94.12% from the prefecture-level cities within about 350km of the coastline, which covers an area of ​​16.23% of the whole country; 83.77% from the coastline of 350km Land area, only about 6% of the country’s container generating capacity. The results of exploratory spatial data analysis on spatial differences show that China’s foreign trade containers also have obvious imbalance characteristics. In the eastern coastal areas where the containers are densely distributed, the Shandong Peninsula, the Yangtze River Delta, the west bank of the Straits and the Pearl River Delta Triangle area is a significant hot area, while most of the western region and some cities in Northeast China is a significant cold area. In the process of research on the division of container hinterland, the layout of port and the planning of port collection and distribution system, based on the obvious characteristics of tenacity and imbalance of container distribution in foreign trade, we should pay more attention to the east coast within 350km from the coastline Regional issues.
目的对怀地黄3-酮酯酰CoA-硫解酶(Rehmannia glutinosa f.hueichingensis 3-ketoacyl CoA-thiolase,RghKAT)cDNA全长基因进行克隆及分析,为怀地黄分子育种提供候选基因和理论
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本文对王树枏史学进行了研究。主要内容及结果如下: 第一,王树枏史学及其史学思想的产生是与当时社会大背景密切相关的。甲午战后,中国社会民族危机空前严重。此时王树枏的学