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随着各级政府对重中之重“三农问题”的高度重视和国内外农产品市场形势略有好转,湖北省今春化肥市场呈现了小幅上升的势头。1季度农业生产资料价格指数为101.7%,比全国高0.2个百分点,其中化肥指数102.1%。主要特点是氮肥销售比磷肥好,氮肥中尿素比碳铵好。尿素销售价格,今春14 With the governments of all levels attaching great importance to the “Three Issues of Agriculture, Farmers and Rural Areas” and the situation of domestic and international agricultural products has been slightly improved, the fertilizer market in Hubei Province showed a slight upward trend in spring. The price index of agricultural means of production in the first quarter was 101.7%, 0.2 percentage points higher than the national average, of which the fertilizer index was 102.1%. The main feature is the sales of nitrogen fertilizer is better than phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer urea is better than ammonium bicarbonate. Urea sales price, this spring 14
本文通过对福克纳《喧哗与骚动》中写作技巧的探讨,阐述了现代派小说技巧如象征、意识流和多角度叙述等手法使作品朦胧多义、内涵深远。 Through the discussion of Faulkne
The Kitchen God’s Wife is considered to lay the literary status of Amy Tan. The oriental back ground of the mother impacts her way of thoughts and education in
1分析1.110月全国菜价总分析据对全国10个地区8种蔬菜批发价格统计,2002年10月8种蔬菜的综合平均批发价为1.10元/kg,比9月(1.20元/kg)下降8.3%,与2001年10月持平。分地区看,2002年10月综合平均批发价格较9月上涨的地区是北? Ana
In recent years,China has made significant achievements in optimizing its energy structure and tapping into renewable energy.Wind power,in particular,has been d
今年国庆节过后,从北京、南京、郑州等城市开始,全国粮油价格在短期内全面上涨。这在我国1997年以来是第一次。我国粮食虽然总体上仍供大于求,在近期内 After the National