Poland press distribution work profile Poland’s 35 million population, an area of over 310,000 square kilometers. Here, there is a well-known body that oversees the publication, printing and distribution of newspapers and periodicals throughout the country: the Polish Workers Publishing and Cooperation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the General Administration of Customs). It has 33,500 primary newspaper sales outlets (or kiosks), forming a huge network of cloth and nationwide. The number of newspapers and magazines that retail through this network accounts for more than 70% of the total circulation. At these points of sale, both newspapers and magazines on the day or every other day are offered for sale as well as daily necessities and daily necessities. Point-of-sale business has a clear and dynamic management direction and has become an indispensable part of Polish people’s cultural life and material life. Retailing of daily necessities accounts for the fourth place in total retail sales in the country, which holds a decisive share in the nationwide distribution activities s position. Administration of the Polish Workers’ Party Central Committee led by a central ministerial unit. It is also an economic entity, self-financing, paying taxes to the country,