
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dgsbs
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本期的专题讨论 ,围绕如何看待企业经济效益与拨交工会经费的关系 ,发表了四川蓬安县总工会唐广兴的“经济效益好坏不是拨与不拨工会经费的理由” ,北京汽车工业集团总公司工会韩继革的“亏损企业难以保证拨交工会经费” ,山东省东平县经贸委工会张作光的“不能以经济效益差而拖欠工会经费”等三篇文章。唐广兴、张作光的主要观点是 ,企业经济效益的好坏 ,不能成为拨交与不拨交工会经费的理由 ,而韩继革的观点是亏损企业很难拨交经费 ,不是企业不想履行义务 ,而是企业无能为力。两种观点针锋相对 ,各有道理。如何看待企业经济效益与拨交工会经费的关系 ,这个问题我们曾发表过几篇专题讨论文章 ,但不是一次讨论就能解决问题的。因为这里面有认识问题 ,有实际问题 ,也有工作问题。我们希望大家围绕这个专题 ,继续开展讨论 ,撰写一批理论联系实际、有说服力的文章 ,通过讨论达到沟通信息、交流思想、统一认识、收好经费的目的。 This issue of the symposium revolved around how to treat the relationship between the economic benefits of enterprises and the funds allocated to the trade unions and published a letter entitled “Whether the economic benefits are good or bad is not the reason for allocating or not allocating the funds for trade unions” by Tang Guangxing, the general union of Peng’an County, Sichuan Province. Han Jigeng’s trade unions, “loss-making enterprises difficult to guarantee the funds allocated to trade unions”, Shandong Province Economic and Trade Committee of Dongting Economic and Trade Commission Zhang Zuoguang “can not afford to trade unions due to poor economic efficiency” and other three articles. The main point of view of Tang Guangxing and Zhang Zuoguang is that the economic benefits of enterprises can not be justified in appropriating or not paying labor union funds. And Han Jigeng’s view is that it is very difficult for enterprises with deficits to hand over funds, not that enterprises do not want to fulfill their obligations but enterprises Powerless. Two arguments diametrically opposed, each makes sense. How to treat the relationship between the economic benefits of enterprises and the funds allocated to trade unions? We have published several symposium articles on this issue, but we can solve the problems without discussion. Because there are understanding problems, there are practical problems, but also work problems. We hope everyone will continue discussions on this topic and write a series of articles with practical and persuasive theory to achieve the goal of communicating, exchanging ideas, unifying understanding and collecting funds through discussions.
根据中央宣传部的精神,中共湖北省委宣传部组成课题组,对湖北省弘扬和培育民族精神,加强公民道德建设的情况进行了调研,提出了对策和建议。 一、弘扬和培育民族精神,加强公
对工会经费建立审计监督制度 ,开展对同级工会经费的审计工作 ,是中国工会在党的领导下 ,从1927年就确立并一直执行的制度。《中华人民共和国工会法》和《中国工会章程》从法律上