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首先,我谈谈对工会工作总体思路和发挥工会维护职能的看法。尉健行主席管工会这几年明确了工会工作的总体思路,把工会的维护职能提到前头了。现在虽强调突出工会的维护职能,但在实际操作上很难。难在工会主席屁股下的板凳“捂不热”。我们交通系统三分之一的工会主席挪作他用,种了人家的田,荒了自己的地。市客运集团是个有320名职工的特困企业,工会主席分工有别的工作,上级工会有事来电话,却因“主席有事出去了”找不到,你说急人不急人。去协商,人家回答说,班子分工是集体研究决定的,精兵简政嘛,反而叫上级工会体谅他们的困难。《工会法》规定,工会按照章程独立自主地开展工作,厂 First of all, let me talk about the general idea of ​​trade union work and the idea of ​​giving full play to its functions. In the past few years, Chairman Wei Jianxing made clear the general idea of ​​the work of trade unions and brought the union’s maintenance function to the forefront. Although the emphasis on the maintenance functions of the trade unions is highlighted now, it is very difficult in practice. Hard in the union under the bench buttocks “cover is not hot.” One-third of our transport system, the union president for other purposes, planted their fields, waste their own land. City Passenger Transport Group is a special hardship 320 employees, trade union chairman of the division of labor, higher level unions have something to call, but because “Chairman things go out” can not find, you say urgent people are not in a hurry. To negotiate, people replied that the division of labor is a collective research and decision-making, fine and clean Well, but called the higher trade unions to understand their difficulties. The “Trade Union Law” stipulates that the trade unions shall carry out their work independently under the bylaws
目的 :探讨硬脑膜动静脉瘘的病因 ,分类及治疗。方法 :2 6例均采用超选择插管栓塞 ,其 4例同时行静脉入路静脉窦内栓塞 ,联合手术 2例 ,X -刀治疗 1例。结果 :海绵窦区硬膜动
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