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在现今房价上涨过快时,政府却出奇地沉默,也许正是到了对调控本身反思的时刻中央政府2004年以来,动员了9个部委和各地方政府,启动了税收、土地、金融、行政四大手段对房价进行调控。无论从政策使用的力度还是广度上看,政府对房地产市场的宏观调控都是空前的。但在这种既有明确政策导向,又有政绩压力的调控政策下,近几年房价似乎陷入“越调控、越上涨”的怪圈。 At a time when housing prices have risen too fast, the government is surprisingly silent. Perhaps it is time for reconsideration of regulation itself. Since 2004, the central government has mobilized 9 ministries and commissions and local governments to launch tax, land, finance and administration programs. Great means of regulation of prices. In terms of the intensity and intensity of policy use, the macro-control of the real estate market by the government is unprecedented. However, under such control policies that have both clear policy orientation and pressure from political achievements, housing prices seem to fall into the vicious circle of “more regulation and control and higher prices” in recent years.
中国房价的不正常,是因为城乡二元结构。改变这个结构,地产才能接近真实价格。否则,现在买不起房的人,将来甚至租不起 The abnormal housing prices in China are due to th
  2009年6月-2011年6月,作者对洪湖地区异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)寄生粘孢子虫的种类进行了调查,发现寄生异育银鲫咽部的一粘孢子虫新种,该种类能够造成异育银鲫幼
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历经福利分房,到住房产业化,再到现在的建设社会保障性住房体系,行政性调控商品房地产市场的努力事实上不得不黯然退位,政府将自己的职能重新定位到“保障”二字。 After we
  Objective To summarize the clinical features, neuroimaging findings and pathological characteristics of 45 patients with tumefactive demyelinating lesion (T