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我们中国历史悠久,文化庞杂,良莠不齐。我们的传统文化在历史的长河里熠熠闪光,这是我们每个中国人的骄傲。作为新时代的学生我们就应该在平时的学习过程中认真把握各方面的知识,传承我们伟大的传统文化,成为传统文化的接班人,使优良传统文化代代相传,历久弥新。我们对于中华传统文化的评判要在历史中评论古代思想的形成与发展,不要以今人之功利思想对比古人,这并不能证明他们的迂腐,往往证明的只是今人的狭隘。不要等到了最危险的时候,中华文化才会产生最强的反弹,那时悔之晚矣…因此,树立国民对本国文化的认识与坚守传统中宝贵文化的意识.重振文化自信,需要守望传统艺术的人们奋发图强,更需要全社会对传统文化有清醒认识。作为新时代的高中生,继承和发展中华传统文化是我们每个人的责任和义务。 We in China have a long history and a large number of different cultures. Our traditional culture is shining in the long river of history, which is the pride of every one of us in China. As a new era student, we should take all aspects of knowledge in the usual learning process, pass on our great traditional culture and become successors of traditional culture, so that the fine traditional culture will be passed on from generation to generation and will last forever. Our critique of the Chinese traditional culture should comment on the formation and development of ancient ideas in history. It is not to compare the ancient people with the utilitarian thought of the present day. This does not prove that they are pedantic and often prove that they are narrow. Do not wait for the most dangerous time, the Chinese culture will have the strongest rebound, when regret is late ... Therefore, to establish national awareness of their own culture and adhere to the traditional culture of the precious consciousness .Centifying cultural confidence, the need to watch The people in traditional arts are trying their best and they all need a clear understanding of traditional culture. As a new high school student, it is our responsibility and obligation to inherit and develop Chinese traditional culture.
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