
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:htloveqy
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一、闽北各县的解放 1949年元旦,毛泽东为新华社撰写的《将革命进行到底》的新年献词发表,宣告中国人民解放军向江南进军的开始。闽北各地党组织及其所属的游击队闻风而动,发动群众,扩大武装,准备配合南下大军解放闽北。 此时,中共闽浙赣省委机关驻在南平县(今延平区,下同)凤山镇(今南山镇,下同)村尾村桃坪一带。也正是在元旦这一天,省委书记曾镜冰和省委的其他领导人左丰美、陈贵芳、王一平、苏华、黄扆禹等召集南(平)古(田)(建)瓯地区县以上干部和省委武装部队骨干近百人开会,通过了《闽浙赣人民游击队纵队行动纲领》,号召全体党员和游击区群众,克服一切困难,打倒蒋介石政权的反动统治。会后,省委机关从桃坪转移到附近的上溪。 2月初,根据中央军委的指示,闽浙赣省委将所属各游击队武装2300余人,整编为中国人民解放军闽浙赣边纵队,曾镜冰任纵队司令员兼政委,左丰美任副政委,陈贵芳任副司令兼参谋长,黄扆禹任政治部主任。为了迎接解放大军南下,曾镜冰等率领闽浙赣边纵队主力400余人北上江西,一路上袭击南平峡阳警察所、保安队,奇袭顺昌岚下“古佛麾”,3月中旬到达江西省资溪县白沙坑,5 I. Liberation of Counties in Northern Fujian On the New Year’s Day of 1949, Mao Zedong published a New Year’s speech entitled “Carrying the Revolution Throughout the Revolution” written by the Xinhua News Agency and proclaimed the beginning of the march of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army toward the south. The party organizations in northern Fujian and the guerrillas they belong to all over the country are stirring the wind and mobilizing the masses, expanding their armed forces and preparing to cooperate with the great army of the south in liberating northern Fujian. At this time, the organs of the CPC Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provincial government stationed in Nanping County (now Yanping District, the same below) Fengshan Town (now Nanshan Town, the same below) village tail village Taoping area. It is also on the New Year’s Day that the leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial leaders Zeng Fengmei, Chen Guifang, Wang Yiping, Su Hua and Huang Zuoyu convened the cadres and cadres above the county level in the ancient (Tian) (built) Nearly 100 people of the Armed Forces held the backbone of the armed forces and passed the “Program of Action of the Guerrilla Units of Fujian, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi.” They called on all party members and the guerrillas to overcome all difficulties and overthrow the reactionary rule of Chiang Kai-shek’s regime. After the meeting, the provincial party committee transferred from Taoping to nearby Shangxi. In early February, according to the instructions of the Central Military Commission, the Zhejiang, Fujian and Zhejiang Provincial Party Committees armed more than 2,300 armed guerrilla units belonging to each other, and reorganized them into the columns of the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Boundaries of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Deputy commander and chief of staff, Huang Yu Yu Ren political director. In order to meet the liberation army southward, had mirror ice led Fujian, Zhejiang-Jiangxi border pillar of the main force of more than 400 people north of Jiangxi, along the way attack Nanping Gap Yang police station, the security team, won the Shunchang Lan under the “ancient Buddha command”, arrived in mid-March in Jiangxi Province Creek County White Sand Pit, 5
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