Genome-wide alternative splicing variation and its potential contribution to maize immature-ear hete

来源 :作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengxiaogang
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Heterosis is a well-known phenomenon widely applied in agriculture. Recent studies have suggested that differential gene and protein expression between hybrids and their parents play important roles in heterosis. Alternative splicing (AS) is an essential posttranscriptional mechanism that can greatly affect the transcriptome and proteome diversity in plants. However, genome-wide AS divergence in hybrids compared to their parents and its potential contribution to heterosis have not been comprehensively investigated. We report the direct profiling of the AS landscape using RNA sequencing data from imma-ture ears of the maize hybrid ZD808 and its parents NG5 and CL11. Our results revealed a large number of significant differential AS (DAS) events in ZD808 relative to its parents, which can be further classified into parental-dominant and novel DAS patterns. Parental-dominant, especially NG5-dominant, events were prevalent in the hybrid, accounting for 42%of all analyzed DAS events. Functional enrichment anal-ysis revealed that the NG5-dominant AS events were involved mainly in regulating the expression of genes associated with carbon/nitrogen metabolism and cell division processes and contributed greatly to maize ear heterosis. Among ZD808, CL11, and NG5, 32.5% of DAS contained or lacked binding sites of at least one annotated maize microRNA (miRNA) and may be involved in miRNA-mediated posttran-scriptional regulation. Cis regulation was the predominant contributor to AS variation and participates in many important biological processes associated with immature ear development. This study provides a comprehensive view of genome-wide alternative splicing variation in a maize hybrid.
天底下没有新鲜的事情。尽管温州人出于“会哭的孩子有奶吃”的策略,不断强调当前的危机如何比2008年严重,但不管从这场危机的经济背景—货币超发、经济高增长和底层工资快速上涨之后越来越严重的通胀,还是危机的表现形式—政府为治理通胀紧缩信贷导致非正规金融膨胀、失控并最终崩溃而言,这场危机与2008年的危机没有多少不同。  唯一不同的是,2008年温州危机深化的过程,被相当程度上嫁祸给随后爆发于美国的金融
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