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  Vincent van Gogh was born in the Netherlands on March 30th, 1853. His father and grandfather were 1)ministers, but others in his family worked in the art world. Vincent had two brothers and three sisters. He was closest to his younger brother Theo.
  Although he enjoyed drawing from the time he was a young boy, Vincent had a number of other jobs before he decided to work as an artist full time. He worked as a teacher in London and then as a minister. He also worked in a book store, an 2)art gallery, and as a 3)missionary. At around the age of 27, van Gogh decided to devote himself completely to art.
  When Vincent first started drawing, he 4)sketched pictures using pencils or 5)charcoal sticks. He used some watercolors as well. He liked to draw pictures of poor hardworking people. 6)Eventually he began to paint using oil paints.
  In this early part of his 7)career, van Gogh used a lot of dark colors such as browns and dark greens. His pictures were often 8)somber or sad. His most famous early painting was called The Potato Eaters. It was a dark picture of a peasant family eating potatoes for dinner.
  Much of what we know about van Gogh comes from letters he wrote to his brother Theo. Theo worked in an art gallery in Paris and supported Vincent’s art career. He sent Vincent money and encouraged him. Theo tried to sell Vincent’s paintings, but no one wanted to buy them.
  Theo wrote to Vincent to tell him about a new style of painting in Paris called Impressionism注. In 1886, Vincent moved to Paris to learn from these new painters. His art became 9)influenced by painters such as Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro. He also became good friends with artist Paul Gauguin.
  During this time van Gogh began to use brighter colors. His brushwork also became more broken. He painted subjects from the streets and cafes of Paris as well as the countryside. Van Gogh also became interested in painting portraits of people. When he couldn’t find models, he would paint himself for practice. He painted over 20 10)self portraits during this time.
  In 1888, van Gogh moved south to Arles, France, to start up an artist’s 11)commune. He rented out a yellow house to live in and invited artist Paul Gauguin to join him. He loved the 12)vibrant colors and the bright sun of Arles.   Van Gogh began painting with 13)intensity and 14)emotion. The colors in his paintings became more vibrant and bright. He would sometimes 15)apply the paint directly onto the 16)canvas from the tubes, leaving the paint thick with rough 17)brush strokes. Sometimes it would take weeks for his paintings to dry because the paint was so thick.
  Van Gogh painted hundreds of pictures during this time, sometimes painting masterpieces in a single day. He became fully 18)obsessed with art. Paul Gauguin came to visit for a time, but the two artists had an argument and Gauguin soon left.
  In 1889, van Gogh 19)committed himself to a 20)mental hospital. He could barely take care of himself. He still continued to paint and painted one of his most famous paintings Starry Night. Many of his paintings during this time featured 21)cypress trees and lots of 22)swirling colors.
  Van Gogh’s mental state continued to 23)deteriorate. On July 29th, 1890, he died from a 24)self-inflicted bullet wound to the chest.
  Although he wasn’t famous during his lifetime, today he is considered one of the greatest and most 25)influential artists of his time. Many of his paintings sell for millions of dollars today. There are over 800 surviving oil paintings as well as over a thousand water colors and sketches of his work.

  Did he really cut off his ear?
  Yes. The reason why van Gogh cut off his ear is not known in detail[细节], but it does seem likely that, by December 23rd, 1888, van Gogh had realized that Gauguin was proposing[提议] to leave and that there had been some kind of argument between the two. That evening, he cut off part of his left ear with a razor blade[剃须刀片]. He then wrapped[卷,包] up the ear in a cloth and presented[赠送,授予] it to a woman.
  在此期间,梵高开始用更为明亮的色彩,他的笔触也变得更加细碎。从巴黎的街道和咖啡馆到乡村风光,都是他作画的对象。他也对肖像画产生了兴趣。在找不到模特时,他就画自己来练习。在这段时间,他画了二十多幅自画像。   1888年,梵高搬到了法国南部的阿尔勒,想成立一个艺术家公社。他租住在一栋黄色房子里,并邀请艺术家高更前来与他同住。他很喜欢阿尔勒生机勃勃的色彩和明亮灿烂的阳光。
  Interesting Facts About Vincent van Gogh
  He would get so obsessed with painting that he often wouldn’t eat. He had poor health as a result.
  Van Gogh was influenced by Japanese prints and woodcuts[木版画] which he studied intensely[热情地].
  Some people think that he may have only sold one work during his lifetime. It was called The Red Vineyard.
  His brother Theo died six months after Vincent and was buried next to him.
  In some of his self portraits, his ear is bandaged[用绷带缚上] from when he cut it. It looks like his right ear in the pictures because he was using a mirror to paint himself.
  You can see the painting Starry Night at the New York Museum of Modern Art.
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