
来源 :非物质文化遗产研究集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lan2009908
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皖南宣城皮影戏在400多年前随湖北移民传入,流布于皖南宣城以及毗邻的苏浙地区,在广泛汲取皖南民间小调、花鼓戏、绘画、雕刻、剪纸等民间艺术精髓的基础上,发展成为个性鲜明、演唱方便、唱腔优美、唱词精练、雕刻精湛和表演活泼大方的民间艺术形式,有着浓郁的皖南徽文化特色。宣城皮影戏在中国南方影戏中占有十分重要的位置,其皮影制作技艺更是南方皮影的典型代表。然而,随着社会经济的发展和民间社会信俗的巨大变化,源于农耕文化的皖南皮影戏市场日渐冷落萧条,大批剧种随着皮影老艺人的逝去而大面积地萎缩。因而,皖南皮影的传承与保护成为人们需要解决的重大课题。 Southern Anhui Xuancheng Shadow Play came into being with Hubei immigrants over 400 years ago and spread around Xuancheng in southern Anhui and the adjacent areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. Based on extensively absorbing the folk art features of southern Anhui folk minor, hubble, drama, painting, sculpture and paper-cutting, Distinctive personality, easy singing, beautiful singing, singing concise, carving exquisite and lively and generous folk art forms, has a rich Anhui Anhui culture. Xuancheng shadow play occupies a very important position in the filming in southern China, and its shadow making skills is the typical representative of the Southern Shadow. However, with the development of society and economy and the great changes of the creed of civil society, the Wannan shadow play market originating from the farming culture has gradually cooled down and slumped. As a result, a large number of operas have been shrinking in size with the passing of old shadow artists. Therefore, the inheritance and protection of shadow in Wannan become a major issue that people need to solve.
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