Anatomy of Connected Cars

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the US and the European Commission are drafting a regulatory framework thatwill make the goal of connected vehicles possible by 2020. Control, embedded systems, and communication technologies have devel-oped over the past 10 plus years and are approaching maturity. These will spark a revolution in how we approach driving. Cars will nolonger need human drivers; they will be connected and exchange information about navigation, road hazards, traffic conditions, andsafety. Travelers will be connected more than ever. Today’s car will become tomorrow’s office and the act of driving will become aleisure activity rather than a necessity. The emerging Internet of Vehicle enables application scenarios unimaginable just few yearsago. The main challenges are Internet access spectrum scarcity, mobility, intermittent connectivity and scalability. In this article, wediscuss the evolution from intelligent vehicle grid to autonomous, internet-connected vehicles and vehicular cloud. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in the US and the European Commission are drafting a regulatory framework thatwill make the goal of connected vehicles possible by 2020. Control, embedded systems, and communication technologies have devel-oped over the past 10 plus years and are approaching They will be connected and exchange information about navigation, road hazards, traffic conditions, andsafety. Travelers will be connected more than ever. Today’s car will become tomorrow’s office and the act of driving will become aleisure activity rather than a necessity. The emerging Internet of Vehicle enables application scenarios unimaginable just few yearsago. The main challenges are Internet access spectrum scarcity, mobility, intermittent connectivity and scalability. In this article, wediscuss the evolution from intelligent vehicle grid to autonomous, internet-connec ted vehicles and vehicular cloud.
A challenging issue in intelligent transportation systems(ITS) is to accurately locate moving vehicles in urban area. Considerable ef-forts have been made to improve the localization accuracy of stand
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