整体把握 各个突破——谈英语中考完形填空题

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完形填空题是通过让学生填补所缺信息考查综合运用语言知识和能力的题型。完形填空题的考查兼顾了考查学生的阅读理解能力和语言运用能力,是一种常见的测试题型,也是目前全国各地的中考试卷中的必考题型。从考点来看,完形填空题的考点涉及到阅读理解能力、词汇运用能力、语法知识的运用能力和逻辑推理能力,对大多数同学来说是中考中失分较多的题型。一、题型特点纵观近几年全国各地的中考试卷可以看出,完形填空题的命题立意逐步从语法立意向能力立意过渡。考查的重点已从在语篇中对语法知识的考查转向对语篇的整体理解,一般来说中考完形填空题有以下几个特点:1.所选用的语段通常是一个比较完整的故事或 The cloze-filling question is a question type that examines the comprehensive use of language knowledge and abilities by allowing students to fill in missing information. The examination of cloze questions takes into account the students’ reading comprehension ability and language application ability. It is a common test question type, and it is also a necessary exam question type in the middle school examination papers across the country. From the examination point of view, the test points of cloze questions involve reading comprehension ability, vocabulary application ability, grammar knowledge utilization ability and logical reasoning ability, and for most students, it is the question type with more points in the examination. First, the characteristics of the type of questions Throughout the past few years across the country in the examination paper can be seen, the cloak of the subject of propositions and ideas gradually from the grammatical conception to the capacity of intentional transition. The focus of the examination has shifted from the examination of grammar knowledge in discourse to the overall understanding of discourse. In general, the quiz fill-in question has the following characteristics: 1. The selected phrase is usually a more complete story. or
脑血栓形成是临床常见病和多发病之一 ,严重危害人类健康。笔者自1995年11月至1999年2月运用自拟通栓汤对68例脑血栓形成患者进行早期治疗 ,取得满意效果 ,现报告如下。1一般资料本组68例中 ,
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