作为当代加拿大文坛的诗人和文学评论家,达尔·勃兰特(Di Brandt)不但在诗歌创作领域享誉盛名,在加拿大文学批评界也有着重要的学术地位。本访谈从达尔·勃兰特门诺教背景开始,涉及20世纪加拿大文学的发展历程、当代加拿大文学的多元创作、加拿大女性文学、加拿大西部草原文学等多个论题。达尔·勃兰特在访谈中,结合自己的诗歌创作和从事文学批评的经历,阐述了自己对于加拿大文化身份与本土书写辩证关系的独到思考。
As a poet and literary critic in contemporary Canadian literary world, Di Brandt not only enjoys a good reputation in poetry writing, but also plays an important academic role in Canadian literary criticism. This interview begins with the background of Dale Brandtmentynor teaching, which involves the development of Canadian literature in the 20th century, the multiple creation of contemporary Canadian literature, the Canadian female literature and the Canadian grassland literature. In his interview, in conjunction with his poetry writing and his experience in literary criticism, Dal Brant expounded his unique thinking on the dialectical relationship between Canadian cultural identity and native writing.