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近来,不少冠心病患者来信,说他们都想参加体育运动,可有的一运动就心跳气短受不了,有的还因为急于运动,反而使病情加重,住了院。有人失望地问:“是不是一旦得了冠心病,就再也没有运动的权利了?运动能预防冠心病,是否对治疗冠心病没有什么作用?已患冠心病的人究竟该怎样运动才算合理?”看来,确实有必要来谈谈这个矛盾的话题。 冠心病与运动的矛盾 冠心病患者心脏的缺血程度与人体的活动强度往往成正比关系。也就是说,人的活动量增加时,需要心脏加紧跳动,以满足全身供血增加需求,这就必然加重了心肌的缺血,从而诱发心绞痛、心肌梗死的发作。这就是一些冠心病患者在运动中突然发生胸闷、气短甚至晕倒或运动后病情加重、住进医院的原因。本来缺少运动可能 Recently, many letters of patients with coronary heart disease said that they all want to participate in sports. However, some sports can not stand short of heart and shortness of breath. Some also rush to exercise instead of aggravating their illness. It was disappointing to ask: “Is it right? Once the coronary heart disease has been obtained, there is no right to exercise? Exercise can prevent coronary heart disease, whether it has no effect on the treatment of coronary heart disease? Coronary heart disease who how to exercise is reasonable ”It seems that there really is a need to talk about this contradictory topic. Coronary heart disease and exercise contradictions Coronary heart disease patients with ischemic heart activity intensity is often directly proportional relationship. In other words, the increase in human activity, the need to step up the heart beat to meet the increased demand for systemic blood supply, which inevitably increased myocardial ischemia, which induced angina pectoris, myocardial infarction episodes. This is some sudden coronary heart disease in patients with chest tightness, shortness of breath or fainted or aggravated after exercise, admitted to the hospital. Originally lack of exercise may be