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恩格斯在研究摩尔根的《古代社会》的基础上,为家庭的起源描绘了一个轮廓,把人类家庭的发展分为四种形态:血缘家庭、普那路亚家庭、对偶家庭、一夫一妻制家庭。 这一漫长的人类历史中,人类的婚姻状态由杂交婚向辈行婚(族内群婚)进化。关于杂交婚,有人否定我认为这不太科学。首先,杂交婚在早期人类中,能成为联系群体的纽带,其次,从人类婚姻状态的发展来看,从群婚向个体婚发展,是使性关系范围逐步缩小的过程。对假婚是从群婚向个体婚发展的中间环节,从这点可以推断,杂交婚在早期人类中是存在的,并且可能延 Based on the study of Morgan’s “ancient society,” Engels depict an outline of the origin of the family and divide the development of the human family into four forms: bloodline family, Punalua family, dual family, monogamy family. In this long history of mankind, the marriages of mankind have evolved from hybrid marriages to marriage (inter-group marriage). On the hybrid marriage, some people deny I think this is not too scientific. First of all, hybrid marriage can become a link between the contact groups in early humans. Secondly, from the perspective of the development of human marriage status, marriage development from group marriage to individual marriage is the process of gradually narrowing the scope of sexual relations. From the point of group marriage to individual marriage, the false marriage is the intermediate link of marriage development. From this point, it can be inferred that the hybrid marriage exists in early humans and may be delayed
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Objective: In order to coordinately express amarker gene and therapeutic genes in one vector, apolycistronic retroviral vector was constructed withthe internal