Song Hye-kyo,a Successful But Plain Girl

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  Song Hye-kyo is a South Korean superstar. Because of her wonderful performance, her photo once appeared on the cover of VOGUE, an international women’s magazine. The photo was taken by a famous Italian photographer Paolo Roversi. The traditional Korean dress she wore was designed by a famous South Korean designer.
  Song Hye-kyo was born on February 26th, 1982. She is 161 centimeters tall. She liked performance and music in her childhood. In 1996, she joined in a model contest and won the first place surprisingly. The success brought her a role in the TV series Wedding Dress in 1997 and her performance was thought highly of.
  Now, Song Hye-kyo is recognized as a successful actress in many Asian countries. So far she has acted in many famous TV dramas. Her role in Autumn Fairytale(《秋天的童话》) impressed many fans, so did her character in Hotelier(《情定大饭店》). Her performance in All-In (《洛城生死恋》) was also a hit but her performance in Full House(《浪漫满屋》) was a greater success. In the drama, she played with singer and actor Rain. Because of her excellent performance, she became an idol for many Asian young people.
  Song Hye-kyo has also successfully acted in films such as My Sassy Girl(《我和我的女友》) and Hwangjini(《黄真伊》).
  In everyday life, Song Kye-kyo is a plain girl. She likes to daydream. She loves to eat ice cream. She often puts cucumber(黄瓜) pieces on her face in the hope of becoming prettier and she likes to go shopping with friends. She enjoys life as an ordinary girl!
  Song Hye-kyo is also a simple and honest girl. She dislikes the way some stars try to make themselves famous. She never shows off herself and does not want to use unsuitable ways to catch people’s eyes.
  Fashionable as she is, Song Hye-kyo is a traditional South Korean woman. When asked what she would do in her future, Song, who once dreamed of being a fashion designer, said she would like to be a good mother and wife.
  英文名:Song Hye Kyo 宗 教:基督教
  生日:1982年2月26日 血 型:A型
  身高:161㎝ 体 重:45㎏
  家庭情况:独生女 爱 好:游泳
  学 校:淑名女子初中—银光女子高中—世宗大学电影艺术系
  习 惯:难堪时摸鼻子
  出 道:1996年MTM选拔大赛首奖
Indiahapolis(印第安纳波利斯)    Indianapolis is the capital and largest city of Indiana, U.S.A. with apopulation of 744,000.
1 dinner,banquet,feast    这一组词都表示宴会、筵席。dinner“正餐,宴会”,普通用语,在这一组词中用得最为广泛。一般指晚上的正餐,规模可大可小,既可是社交性的,也可是家人节假日团聚时所吃的好饭菜.也可能是正式举行的宴会。dinner的另一含义是家庭中一天中的正餐或普通饭食。banquet“宴会。盛宴”,指为正式招待客人庆祝某事件而专门举行的盛大宴会.饭前一般有人致辞。
1. He accidently ____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.  A. let outB. took careC. made sureD. made out  解析:A let out意为“泄露”;take care意为“当心”;make sure意为“
1 They’ve______us £150,000 for the house.Shall we take it?  (2004湖南,34)
1. He spoke so fast that it was difficult ____.  A. to take notes B. to take notes of  B. to take note ofD. make notes  解析:A 本题考查动词词组的搭配。句意为“他说得太快了很难做记录”。take notes意为“做记录;做笔记”;题中做记录的内容没说,故B项中of多余;C项表达
直接宾语和间接宾语是宾语的两种不同表现形式,正确掌握其用法应注意下列几点:  一、弄清什么是直接宾语和间接宾语  直接宾语通常表示动作所产生的结果或动作的承受者,一般情况下由物品名词担任。  Go and tell him the news, because it concerns him very much.  去把这个消息告诉他,因为与他关系很大。  Would you please pass
1. entrance, entry  两词都有“入口;进入”之意。entrance不具体指门或大门,而笼统地指入口处。可和of连用,表示“入口”属于该物的组成部分;也可和to连用,表示通往“某处”的途径。使用时,应依句意的着眼点进行选择。该词强调“进入”的行为,如入门、入场、参战等。entrance还指某人的到来、或容许某人入内。entry可具体指入口,包括门、大门、门厅、门廊等。entry指进