患者,女,33岁。于1989年9月21日8时空腹一次吞服地高辛86片(21.5mg),30分钟后出现轻度头晕、目眩、呕吐、水样便。入院后,诉既往有风心病、二尖瓣病、房颤病史I6年。体检:T36.3℃,P 30次/分,R 28次/分,BP13.3/9.33kPa(110/70mmHg)。神清、表情淡漠、唇绀。颈静脉不怒张,双肺无啰音,肝、脾不大,下肢不肿,无杵状指趾。心尖搏动弥散,心尖部有舒张期细震颤及双期杂音,
Patient, female, 33 years old. On Sept. 21, 1989, 86 doses of digoxin (21.5 mg) were swallowed on an 8-hour fasting day. After 30 minutes, mild dizziness, dizziness, vomiting and watery stools were observed. After admission, v. Past rheumatic heart disease, mitral valve disease, atrial fibrillation history I6 years. Physical examination: T36.3 ° C, P 30 beats / min, R 28 beats / min, BP 13.3 / 9.33 kPa (110/70 mmHg). Clear, expression indifferent, cyanosis. Jugular vein does not rage, no lungs rales, liver, spleen, lower extremity is not swollen, without clubbed toe. Apex pulsation dispersion, apical Department of fine tremor and diastolic twins,