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当前,全国各地幼儿园正按教育部颁发《幼儿园教育指导纲要》(试行)的通知要求,组织教师认真学习和理解《指导纲要》的精神,依据它的指导思想和基本要求,根据儿童发展和本地本园的实际需要,制订教育计划,组织教育活动,更新教育观念,提高教育技能。可以相信,在广大幼教工作者的齐心努力下,我国幼儿园教育又将迈上一个新的台阶。 《一位幼儿园教师的抱怨》从一个侧面反映了前几年一些地方、一些幼儿园在教育教学改革过程中存在的问题,值得幼儿园教育教学业务的决策人、管理者一读。教材的五花八门、课程的摇摆不定、教育观念的新旧制约,扰得像慧言这些有事业心、责任感,热心改革的幼儿园第一线的老师,因不知如何是好而满腹因惑和牢骚,挫伤了他们投身改革的积极性,无奈地发出“我们该怎么办”的呼唤。 其实,这些问题我们都可从幼儿园《工作规程》和《指导纲要》中找到答案,《一位幼儿园教师的抱怨》为我们提供了反思以往改革中存在问题的思路,可结合本地本园的实际,制订出切实可行的改革方案,并依靠全体教师,一步一个脚印地付诸行动,坚持不懈,必有成效。 At present, kindergartens all over the country are now issuing the “Notice on Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline” (for Trial Implementation) issued by the Ministry of Education and organizing teachers to conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the “Guidance Outline”. Based on its guiding ideology and basic requirements, according to the development of children and local The actual needs of the park, the development of education plans, organize educational activities, update the concept of education, improve educational skills. It is believed that under the concerted efforts of the majority of preschool education workers, our kindergarten education will step to a new level in turn. “A Kindergarten Teacher’s Complaint” reflects from a certain aspect a few years ago some places, some kindergartens in the process of education and teaching reform problems, it is worth kindergarten education and teaching business policy makers, managers read. The variety of teaching materials, the wavering of the curriculum, the old and new constraints of education concept, the disturbing like the wisdom of these kindergarten teachers with a sense of professionalism, sense of responsibility, enthusiastic reform, due to I do not know how good and full of confusion and grievances, contusion Their enthusiasm to join the reform, reluctantly issued a “what should we do” call. In fact, we can find answers to these questions from the Kindergarten Rules of Work and the Guidance Outline. The “Complaint from a Kindergarten Teacher” provides us with a way of thinking about the existing problems in the past reforms and can be integrated with the actual situation of our local park Formulating practical and feasible reform proposals and relying on all the teachers to put them into action one step at a time and persevere with success.
青青草,  草青青,  青草尖上停蜻蜓。
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