
来源 :中国病案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fredric_cn
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病案管理人员专业技术资格考评由于没有列入全国统考的范围,在很多地区病案管理人员的晋升没有得到适当解决,为此,很多专业人员多年来不能参加考评,失去或延误了他们应当得到的相应技术职称。病案管理这门专业在我国确实起步较晚,1985年才开始有病案管理的中等专业教育,2000年始在北京首都医 Since the evaluation of professional qualifications of medical record managers is not included in the scope of national examinations, the promotion of medical record managers in many areas has not been properly addressed. For this reason, many professionals cannot participate in evaluations for many years, losing or delaying the corresponding response they deserve. Technical titles. The specialty of medical record management started late in our country. In 1985, we began to have secondary professional education in the management of medical records. In 2000, we began to work in Beijing Capital Medical University.
赤松毛虫Dendrolimus spectabilisButler是油松、赤松的主要害虫之一。为了控制其为害,结合对预测预报工作的开展,对该虫的生活史进行了较详细的调查和观测。发现极少数个体
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1986年4月21日,我们访问隆化县七家乡西道村红果专业户张勇时,张勇介绍了用乐果涂干防治红果蚜虫简便有效的方法如下: 首先在树干基部,用小刀划l0—15厘米长三道等距小沟(深
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