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《财会通讯》1989年第11期刊登了张灿麟同志的文章《会计学是一门边际学科》,读后颇受教益。这篇文章(以下简称“张文”)列出了与会计学有着广泛联系的许多学科,从而认为会计学是一门边际科学,这一点,我有不同的认识。一、属性是事物本身所固有的性质,而不是与其相联系的事物的性质。从哲学角度,事物都是广泛联系的,联系是普遍存在的,但事物之间广泛联系的特点并不能影响到各事物自身的属性。基于这一结论,研究会计学的属性,应从会计学本身所具有的性质来进行,而不能从与之相联系的其他学科的性质来进行。二、区别学科属性的标准只能是学科本身的研究内容,而不是与之相联系的学科的研究内容。要确定某一学科的属性,首先要找出划 In the 11th issue of 1989, Accounting and Communication was published in Comrade Zhang Canlin’s article, “Accounting is a Marginal Discipline,” and was widely read after its reading. This article (hereinafter referred to as “Zhang”) lists many subjects that have a wide range of links with accounting, so that accounting is an area of ​​marginal science. I have different opinions on this point. First, the property is the inherent nature of the thing itself, rather than the nature of the things associated with it. From a philosophical point of view, things are widely connected, and connections are ubiquitous. However, the characteristics of extensive connections between things do not affect the attributes of each thing. Based on this conclusion, the nature of accounting research should be based on the nature of accounting itself, not on the nature of the other disciplines it is associated with. Second, the criteria for distinguishing disciplinary attributes can only be the subject matter of the subject itself, not the subject matter of the subject to which it relates. To determine the properties of a subject, we must first find out the plan
中国的城乡发展不平衡已经成为制约经济均衡发展的重要因素也引起了越来越多的经济学家的关注。针对中国的城乡差距问题,《人民日报》记者日前采访了中国农业大学公共管理系主任张正河教授。  张正河:我接触过很多来自国外的专家和游客,第一种情况是初次来中国,看到北京、上海、广州、深圳、香港。他们的评价是,中国拥有现代化的城市、豪华的宾馆、完善的基础设施、较高的生活水平,是一个发达国家,旧金山、洛杉矶、东京、伦
温家宝总理最近在谈到中国的基 本国情和所面对的发展挑战时提出, 目前中国面临着两大矛盾:一是不发 达的经济同人们日益增长的物质文化 需求之间的矛盾,解决这个矛盾要靠 发
简述了我院引种母生的基本情况和母生的生长发育规律,以及立地环境条件对母生生长的影响,并加以分析和总结。 The basic situation of mother introduction and the growth an
精兵良将向来是战争制胜的法宝。 俗话说强将手下无弱兵,欧锦赛16支队伍的主教练麾下的球员可谓人才荟萃,精英云集,更重要的是,“家有一老,如有一宝”。 马特乌斯、阿兰·希