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近年来,各地人大常委会在任命“一府两院”国家机关工作人员前,都要组织对拟任命人员进行法律知识考试。通过这种形式,可以有效地提高被任命干部的法律意识,增强其依法办事的自觉性,受到了广大人民群众的普遍欢迎。但也应看到,在一些地方的法律知识考试中,存在一些形式主义的倾向。据笔者了解,大多数地方都采取开卷的形式组织考试,有个别地方考前把试题透露给参考人员,使其心中有数;也有的在考前把试卷发给参考人员,让其提前答题;有的考后根本不改试卷,不公布考试分数,实行“暗箱”操作。殊不知,这样做使考试完全变成了形式主义,失去了它的原本意义,影响了人大任前考法的权威性,更影响到了地方国家权力机关的形象。 In recent years, before setting up the staff of state organs of “one government and two chambers”, all local people’s congresses standing committees must organize the examination of legal knowledge for the personnel to be appointed. Through this form, the legal awareness of appointed cadres can be effectively enhanced and their conscientiousness in handling affairs in accordance with the law can be enhanced. This has been generally welcomed by the broad masses of the people. However, it should also be noted that there are some formalist tendencies in some areas of legal knowledge examination. According to the author, most places take the form of an open book to organize examinations. Some local exams disclose the questions to the reference staff before examinations, so that they have a good idea. Some also send the papers to the reference staff before exams to allow them to answer questions in advance. Of the test does not change the test papers at all, do not publish test scores, the implementation of “black box” operation. As everyone knows, in doing so, the examination completely turned into formalism, losing its original meaning, affecting the authority of the NPC’s pre-test test method and even affecting the image of the local state authority.
A guard was about to signal his train to start when he sawan attractive girl standing on the platform by an open door ,talking to another pretty girl inside the
(一) 2000年10月9日。一大早,座落在潜江市西南某集镇东头的“大烈酒厂”个体业主阿烈和往常一样,早早起床,为妻儿准备好早点后,照例检查酒作坊和原料仓库。当其来到原料仓
看了吴为山的部分文人肖像系列,做得生动传神。我特别喜欢齐白石像、费孝通像和一位民间艺人像。我认为他很能把握本质特征 He read Wu Weishan’s portraits of some liter
2000年齐齐哈尔市档案局执法人员在对市纺织工业局档案工作进行执法检查时,发现该局部分档案散失在外,没有按时归档,执法人员当即对其下达了 In 2000, Qiqihar City Archiv
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