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〔策划人语〕6月27日至28日召开的省政协九届二十一次常委会议,中心议题是如何围绕推动沿海经济社会发展强省建设,全面履行政协职能,常委们从不同角度议政建言,不乏真知灼见。自去年省第七次党代会提出建设沿海经济社会发展强省奋斗目标以来,全省上下兴起了建设沿海强省的热潮,我省各级各界委员做了大量卓有成效的工作,二十一次常委会议是系统而深刻的一次建言献策。建设沿海强省是一个系统工程,从人文角度看,不仅是物质层面的基础内容,还必须有文化层面的精神支撑。党的十六大通过的《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》中提出的以“富强、民主、文明、和谐”与“人的自由全面发展”为基本内容的社会主义核心价值观,理所当然地成为我们建设沿海强省的文化支撑的灵魂。2004年9月出台的《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》中,又明确指出要解放和发展“文化生产力”。在我们建设沿海强省进程中,如何发挥文化的创新功能、导向功能、凝聚功能和支撑作用,如何创新沿海文化理念,打造燕赵沿海品牌,实现从地理观念向文化集群的转变,成为建设沿海强省的重要支撑,是摆在全省人民面前的一个重要课题。 [Planning language] June 27 to 28 held the provincial CPPCC twenty-first standing meeting, the central issue is how to promote coastal economic and social development of a strong province, the full implementation of the functions of the CPPCC, the Standing Committee from a different perspective Suggestions, there is no lack of insight. Since last year’s Seventh Party Congress put forward the goal of building a strong province in coastal economic and social development, the province has enjoyed a boom in building a strong coastal province. Members of various circles at all levels in our province have done a great deal of fruitful work. Twenty-one times Standing Committee is a systematic and profound advice and suggestions. Constructing a strong coastal province is a systematic project. From a humanistic point of view, it is not only the basic content of material aspects but also the spiritual support of cultural aspects. The “CPC Central Committee’s Decision on Some Important Issues in Building a Harmonious Socialist Society” as set forth in the 16th National Congress of the CPC as the basic content of “freedom, all-round development,” “prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony” and “people” The core values ​​of socialism have, of course, become the soul of our cultural support for building a strong coastal province. In “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Building of the Party’s Ability to Govern” issued in September 2004, it also clearly pointed out that it is necessary to liberate and develop “cultural productivity”. In our process of building a strong coastal province, how to exert the function of cultural innovation, orientation, cohesion and support, how to innovate the coastal cultural concept, build the coastal brand of Yanzhao and realize the transformation from geographical concept to cultural cluster, The important support for a strong province is an important issue before the people in the province.