Moving-window bis-correlation coe±cients method for visible and near-infrared spectral discriminant

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The moving-window bis-correlation coe±cients (MW-BiCC) was proposed and employed for the discriminant analysis of transgenic sugarcane leaves and --thalassemia with visible and nearinfrared (Vis–NIR) spectroscopy. The well-performed moving-window principal component analysis linear discriminant analysis (MW-PCA–LDA) was also conducted for comparison. A total of 306 transgenic (positive) and 150 nontransgenic (negative) leave samples of sugarcane were collected and divided to calibration, prediction, and validation. The diffuse reflection spectra were corrected using Savitzky–Golay (SG) smoothing with first-order derivative (d=1), third-degree polynomial (p=3) and 25 smoothing points (m=25). The selected waveband was 736–1054 nm with MW-BiCC, and the positive and negative validation recognition rates (V REC , V REC-T were 100%, 98.0%, which achieved the same effect as MW-PCA–LDA. Another example, the 93 --thalassemia (positive) and 148 nonthalassemia (negative) of human hemolytic samples were collected. The transmission spectra were corrected using SG smoothing with d=1, p=3 and m=53. Using MW-BiCC, many best wavebands were selected (e.g., 1116–1146, 1794–1848 and 2284–2342nm). The V REC and V REC- were both 100%, which achieved the same effect as MW-PCA–LDA. Importantly, the BiCC only required calculating correlation coe±cients between the spectrum of prediction sample and the average spectra of two types of calibration samples. Thus, BiCC was very simple in algorithm, and expected to obtain more applications. The results first confirmed the feasibility of distinguishing --thalassemia and normal control samples by NIR spectroscopy, and provided a promising simple tool for large population thalassemia screening.
回顾了在20世纪90年代,面对200 nm壁垒的科学难题,KBBF族非线性光学晶体的发现过程,系统阐述了该晶体的线性和非线性光学性质,详细介绍了其深紫外谐波输出能力的最新研究成果。
提出了一种基于耦合射频(RF)信号和单个马赫-曾德尔调制器(MZM)的可调光学频率梳(OFC)产生方案,采用低成本的耦合射频信号替代高成本的高频信号源,降低了产生装置的成本。同时建立了不同耦合射频信号驱动MZM产生OFC的理论模型,对方案进行了理论分析,并利用软件OptiSystem 13.0仿真研究了MZM的上、下支臂调制电压、射频信号源输出频率和耦合方式对OFC的梳线数目、功率平坦度及频率间隔的影响。仿真结果表明,当射频信号源输出频率为5 GHz、乘法耦合次数为4时,可得到频率间隔为10 GHz、梳线
尝试采用三种方式来平衡载流子的浓度, 以提高量子点发光二极管(QLED)的外量子效率等性能:在正装结构(ITO/HIL/HTL/QD/ETL/EIL/金属阴极)的QLED的发光层和电子传输层中间插入超薄聚甲基丙烯酸甲脂(PMMA)电子阻挡层;在空穴注入和传输层方面, 通过使用更加优化的HIL等来提高空穴注入和传输几率;在QD发光层方面, 用短链配体来置换量子点的长链配体以增加载流子向量子点发光层中的传输效率等。在进行量子点配体交换的同时带来了量子点在正交溶剂中的可溶性优势, 有利于QLED器件的全溶液法制
This research aimed to establish near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy models for identification of syrup types in which the maple syrup was discriminated from other syrup types. Thirty syrup types were used in this research; the NIR spectra of each type were
欧洲将建造迄今最大的试验卫星——红外空间观测站(ISO)。该项目由欧洲航天局决定,总费用10亿马克。此站的建造对欧洲工业是一种不寻常的技术挑战。空间观测站必须研究可见光和2~200 μm波长范围内宇宙物体的红外辐射。为了能完全记录这些红外辐射,观察仪器(包括所有的传感器)都应冷却到极低温度 (1.8 K)。为此,该站配有一个2300立升的超液氦罐,冷却至少可保持18个月,总重2.3吨,高5米多。
报道了利用Nd:YAG四倍频266 nm脉冲激光端面泵浦Ce:LiCAF晶体,采用平凹谐振腔,输出296 nm波长紫外激光.当输出镜透过率为20%,入射泵浦能量为13.5 mJ时,获得最大输出激光脉冲能量为270 μJ,脉冲宽度为3.4 ns,输出激光峰值功率为79.4 kW,光-光转换效率为2%,斜效率为1.6%.