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自从我刊开展“关于我国医学发展道路”的讨论以来,先后收到百余篇文章,就这一问题发表了各种不同的意见。这对于活跃讨论的空气,总结我们在中西医结合工作中的经验教训,改进这方面的工作,是非常有益的。关于我国医学发展道路的问题,自1979年年底至1980年年初在广州举行的“医学辩证法讲习会”提出讨论以来,经过1980年春卫生部召开的各省、市、自治区卫生局长会议后,大家的认识基本一致了。1981年1月16日钱信忠同志在全国卫生厅局长会议上的讲话再次重申:“中医(包括民族医,下同)、西医、中西医结合这三支力量的长期并存,是我国的客观实际。我们必须采取加强团结的方针, Since the publication of the ”Discussion on the Path of Medical Development in Our Country,“ we have received over one hundred articles and published various opinions on this issue. This is very beneficial to the active discussion of the air, to summarize our experiences and lessons in the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine and to improve the work in this respect. With regard to the path of medical development in our country, since the discussion on the ”Medical Dialectics Seminar“ held in Guangzhou from late 1979 to early 1980, after the meeting of the provincial, municipal and provincial health chiefs convened by the Ministry of Health in the spring of 1980, everyone The understanding is basically the same. On January 16, 1981, Comrade Qian Xinzhong reiterated at the meeting of the director of the National Health Bureau: ”The long-term coexistence of the three forces of traditional Chinese medicine (including ethnology, the same below), western medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine is our objective In fact, we must adopt a principle of strengthening unity,
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Threat assessment is one of the most important parts of the tactical decisions,and it has a very important influence on task allocation.An application of fuzzy
本文结合教育实践,介绍了小学体育教学如何发挥教师主导作用,提高学生主体地位用不同方式引导学生,激发学生对体育学科的兴趣。 Based on the practice of education, this
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<正> 一石击起千重浪——这是一块具有怎样神奇魔力的石块哟!当中华人民共和国外交部部长黄华收到这方石块时,他的心被震撼了:激动、不安、感慨、兴奋……不,也许他只沉思片刻,睿智地将大手一挥——于是,这方石块飞越迢迢太平洋,荣幸地来到了哈德逊河畔那幢举世瞩目的联合国总部大楼。只见手执黑色公文包的中国官员庄重地迈进“社会发展与