五年前,当王国义率先以一万元抵押承包负债累累的山阴县水泥厂时,在当时的三晋大地犹如投下了一颗“原子弹”,王国义成了名震三晋的新闻人物。 1987年冬,在山阴县委、政府组织的水泥厂招标、抵押承包“擂台”上,年过半百的王国义一举中标,成了山西省第一个通过招标抵押承包企业的厂长。承包的第一年就提前三个月完成各项承包指标。第二年下来已经超额完成了三年承包合同规定的各项经济指标。第三年经济效益更上一层楼。新厂房、新仓库、职工宿舍、厂内医疗所等等拔地而起,过去泥灰飞扬的厂区成为美
Five years ago, when Wang Guoyi took the lead with a mortgage of RMB 10,000 to contract a heavily indebted cement factory in Shanyin County, it was like dropping an “atomic bomb” at the time in Sanjin’s land. Wang Guoyi became a prominent news person in Shanxi. . In the winter of 1987, in the bidding and mortgage contracting of cement plants organized by the Shanyin County Party Committee and the government, Wang Yiyi, who had passed half a year, won the bid and became the first factory manager in Shanxi Province to pass a bidding and contracting company. In the first year of contracting, each contracting indicator was completed three months ahead of schedule. In the second year, the economic indicators specified in the three-year contract have been exceeded. In the third year, the economic benefit goes even higher. New factory buildings, new warehouses, staff quarters, medical facilities in the factory, etc.