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钓鱼人是光威最重要的朋友,离开了钓鱼人的支持,编辑也是“言之无文,行而不远”。本刊曾有两个怕:一怕稿件质量不高,对不起钓鱼人;二怕钓鱼人的来信少,不能以丰满的素材支撑起《聚焦光威》这片广袤的交流天地。事实证明,本刊第二个担心是多余的。因为许多钓友的信件纷纷涌至编辑的案头,用明智的热情、开阔的视野消除笔者的疑虑,将笔者脱缰的思绪拉回理智、开阔的轨道,在此,本刊对不吝赐作的广大钓友深表感谢!光威16岁的生日还没到来,许多热情的钓友便按捺不住了,看,钓友徐志明先生老早便在南国挥毫泼墨、尽释豪迈了,山东的张景峰钓友更是爽快,干脆呐喊:“我也是光威人!”——多么热情的钓友!下面,让我们将镜头对准这两位钓友的力作,听听他们发自内心的感触: The fisherman is the most important friend of Guangwei and has left the support of the fisherman. The editor is also saying, “There is no word, but not far.” The Journal once had two fears: One was afraid that the quality of the manuscript was not high, and I was sorry to be a fisherman; two were afraid that the fisherman had fewer letters and could not support the vast communication space of “Concentrated Guangwei” with plump material. Facts have proved that the second worry in this issue is superfluous. Because many of the letters of friends have rushed to the editors’ desks and used sensible enthusiasm and broad vision to eliminate the author’s doubts and pull the author’s distracted thoughts back to the wise and open track. Here, this publication is worthy of giving. The majority of the fishing friends expressed their deep gratitude! The birthday of Guangwei’s 16th birthday has yet to come. Many enthusiasm for fishing will be irrelevant. Look, Mr. Xu Zhiming, a fishing ally, used to splash his ink in the southern country long ago. Zhang Jingfeng of Shandong The fishing net friend is refreshing, simply shouting: “I am a glorious person!” - how zealous the fishing companion! Next, let us aim the lens at the masterpiece of these two fishing friends, listen to their feelings from the heart:
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AIR FORCE I LE03RETAIL:690 RMB鞋面:全纹皮鞋面中底:杯型中底,全掌内置气垫外底:硬质橡胶外底 特点:AIR FORCE1是NIKE80年代非常著名的篮球鞋,如今是风靡全世界的一款经典
入世后,中国生产的稀特蔬菜以营养独特、保健作用强和质优价宜的优势,冲破“绿色壁垒”而称雄日本市场,俏销不衰, After China’s accession to the WTO, the rare vegetab