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近年来,神华集团响应中央纪委、国务院国资委关于“有条件的中央企业在廉政建设方面先行先试”的号召,率先推动中央企业纪检监察体制改革与机制创新,在2010年下发了《关于加强和改进集团公司党的建设工作的决定》,明确要求全面加强集团反腐倡廉工作。其中,神华集团下属的国华电力公司在组织结构、领导体制、队伍建设、工作协调、绩效考核以及保障机制等方面创新实践,初步探索出一套适应中央企业开展纪检监察工作的“集约共享型”工作模式:以内部监管促进和保障企业可持续发展,通过集中办公、统一管理、协作共享,在相对独立的组织平台上推进专业化、职业化的纪检监察工作。实践证明,“集约共享型”工作模式为中央企业纪检监察体制机制创新提供了有益的参考。 In recent years, Shenhua Group has responded to the call of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Council SASAC on “qualified central enterprises try their best in the building of an honest government” and took the lead in promoting the reform of the system of discipline inspection and supervision of central enterprises and innovation of mechanisms. In 2010, Shenhua Group issued “The Decision on Strengthening and Improving the Party’s Construction in the Group Companies” explicitly calls for strengthening the anti-corruption work of the Group in an all-round way. Among them, the Shenhua Group’s Guohua Power Company innovative practice in organizational structure, leadership system, team building, work coordination, performance evaluation and security mechanisms, initially explored a set of “centralized sharing Type ”mode of operation: promote and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises through internal supervision, and promote professional and professional discipline inspection and supervision over relatively independent organizational platforms through centralized management, unified management, and cooperation and sharing. Practice has proved that “intensive sharing ” mode of work provides a useful reference for the innovation of the system and mechanism of discipline inspection and supervision of the central enterprises.
本文主要介绍了聚苯板 EPS 板外墙外保温系统施工工艺流程在施工中的应用,突出说明了施工难点及注意事项.
201504036超疏水纳米复合涂层的抗冲击性能研究[刊,英]/Davis, Alexander 等//AIChE Journal,2014,60(8)。-3025~3032全氟硅烷甲基丙烯酸共聚物改性的聚氨酯/有机黏土超疏水纳
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于同一试验园中 ,在葡萄霜霉病盛发期 ( 7~ 8月份 ) ,对 7个欧亚种葡萄品种的抗病性进行了田间自然鉴定、室内离体叶圆片接种鉴定及同期叶片的叶绿素含量测定。结果表明 ,梅鹿
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