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根据慧聪网的监测数据,2004年8月份北京市房地产报刊广告收入排名依次是:排名第一的北京青年报为5476.58万元,占整个北京市场当月房地产广告的45.8%。如果不把刊物和非市场化的报纸(这两类媒介所占比例均较小)计算在内,其余报纸的收入为:北京晚报1533.94万元,新京报1282.09万元、京华时报635.08万元、新地产304.00万元、精品购物指南293.74万元,北京娱乐信报225.42万元、目标广告136.00万元、环球时报91.60万元、北京晨报87.10万元、生活速递81.40万、中国经营报59.6万元,九报总和为4730.33万元,比排名第一的北京青年报还差746.21万元。再看北京青年报自身的广告结构,2003年,房地产广告占北京青年报所有广告收入的63.2%,居该报各类广告之首。也就是说,北京青年报的房地产广告不仅在北京市所有报纸中占据绝对优势,在自身的广告结构中也占据绝对大的比例,这便是我们所说的强势广告。在当前广告分流严重、行业竞争激烈的报刊广告市场中,营造强势广告或深度挖掘行业广告应该被提升至报刊媒体广告经营的战略地位,由此打造自身强势媒体的地位。在本期话题中,本刊特约几位嘉宾就“报刊媒体如何打造强势广告”展开讨论,相信对报刊的经营者们会有所启示。 According to HC network monitoring data, in August 2004 in Beijing real estate newspaper advertising revenue rankings are: ranked No. 1 for the Beijing Youth Daily 54,765,800 yuan, accounting for the month the real estate market in Beijing ads 45.8%. If you do not include publications and non-marketized newspapers (both smaller proportion of the media included), the rest of the newspaper’s revenue: 15.3394 million yuan Beijing Evening News, Beijing reported 12.2209 million yuan, Beijing Times 635.08 million , 3,040,000 yuan for new real estate, 2,947,400 yuan for boutique shopping guide, 2,254,200 yuan for Beijing entertainment newspaper, 1,360,000 yuan for targeted advertisement, 916,000 yuan for Global Times, 871,000 yuan for Beijing Morning Post, 811,000 copies for daily life and 596,000 for China Business Yuan, nine reported the sum of 47,303,300 yuan, ranking the first of Beijing Youth Daily worse than 746.21 million. Look at the Beijing Youth Daily’s own advertising structure, in 2003, real estate advertising accounted for 63.2% of all advertising revenue Beijing Youth Daily, Habitat newspaper first of all kinds of advertisements. In other words, Beijing Youth Daily real estate ads not only in all newspapers in Beijing occupy an absolute advantage in their own advertising structure also occupy an absolute large proportion, which is what we call a strong ad. In the current serious advertising diversion, competition in the industry of newspaper and periodicals advertising market, to create strong advertising or depth mining industry advertising should be promoted to the newspaper media advertising business strategy position, thus creating its own strong media position. In this issue, several special guests of this magazine discussed the issue of “How the Press and Media Build Strong Advertisements” and I believe there will be some enlightenment to the newspaper operators.
The primary objective of landslide susceptibility mapping is the prediction of potential landslides in landslide-prone areas.The predictive power of a landslide