二年级的期末试卷上有这样一道题:一千克鸡蛋有( )个。阅卷老师很清楚,这是一道开放题,答案可以填12~20,在这个范围内的数都是正确的。我把批改完的试卷发下去,学生就开始议论。我想,二年级的学生,对老师的批阅应该不会有什么异议吧。出乎意料,李真小朋友高高举起手说:“老师,你批改错了。‘一千克鸡蛋有(8)个’,我认为也是对的,我从电视里看到有的鸡蛋是很大的。”他话音一落,有几个学生跟着点头称是。我不说话,静静地听学生们议论。这时,另一个学生站起来说:“老师,世界之大,无奇不有,我相信也有很小的鸡蛋。‘一千克鸡蛋有(26)个’也是正确的。”马上,另外有同学也说:“是的,我从书上看到过。”
The second-year final exam papers have such a question: one kilogram of eggs have () months. Scoring teacher is very clear, this is an open question, the answer can be filled 12 to 20, in this range of numbers are correct. I finished the test papers sent down, the students began to talk. I think, sophomore students, the teacher's approval should not be any objection it. Unexpectedly, Li really raised his hand and said: “Teacher, you criticized the wrong.” One kilogram of eggs have (8) ', I think it is right, I see some of the eggs on the TV is Very big. “He dropped his voice, a few students followed nodded yes. I do not speak, quietly listening to students talking about. At this time, another student stood up and said: ”Teacher, the world is big and amazing. I believe there are also very small eggs.“ There are (26) eggs in a kilogram. ”Right now, some other students also said: “Yes, I've seen it from the book.”