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最近几年,因劳动伤害(工伤)而造成劳动者生命健康权受侵害的现象屡屡发生,由此引起的各种纠纷更是频见报端。工伤保险作为社会保障制度的重要组成部分,与每一个劳动者息息相关,其相关立法工作一直备受瞩目。2004年1月14日,省十届人大常委会第八次会议审议通过《广东省工伤保险条例,新条例于今年2月1日起正式实施。从法规的初订到逐步完善,工伤保险立法一直都在寻求一个更加健全、合理和人道的途径,为广大劳动者的生命健康权、生存权和劳动权保驾护航。就新的《广东省工伤保险条例》的实施,本刊组织这篇专题报道,结合文本、背景和实例分析,对新条例作一个全面解读,以期对广大读者有所助益。(法规文本详见本期第28页) In recent years, workers’ rights to life and health have been infringed upon by labor injuries (work-related injuries), and the disputes that have arisen are even more frequent. As an important part of the social security system, work-related injury insurance is closely related to every worker, and its relevant legislative work has drawn great attention. On January 14, 2004, the Eighth Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress Standing Committee examined and approved the “Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance in Guangdong Province. The new regulations will come into force on February 1 this year. From the beginning of the legislation to the gradual improvement, the legislation on work-related injuries insurance has been seeking a more sound, reasonable and humane way to protect the life, health, subsistence and labor rights of the vast numbers of workers. With regard to the implementation of the new ”Regulations on Work-related Injury Insurance in Guangdong Province", the magazine organizes this special report and makes a comprehensive interpretation of the new regulations combining text, background and case analysis so as to be of benefit to readers. (For details, please refer to page 28 of this issue)
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