
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BigWrist
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稻谷的单位面积产量主要由品种和栽培方法决定。一个新品种的增产幅度在8%左右;一种好的栽培方法如育苗移栽、早育稀植、“三早”栽培等也能使增产幅度达8%以上。种稻者都知道,每块地的边界植株因通风透光条件占优而生长良好,这种现象称为边界优势或边际效应。如何使整块地的植株都象边界的一样具有边际效应,能最大限度地利用光能,进而使稻谷增产呢? The yield per unit area of ​​paddy is mainly determined by varieties and cultivation methods. A new breed of increase rate of about 8%; a good cultivation methods such as nursery transplanting, early nursery sparse planting, “three early ” cultivation can also make yield by 8% or more. All kinds of rice growers know that the boundary plants on each land grow well under the conditions of ventilation and light, which is called border advantage or marginal effect. How to make the whole plant as a border with the same marginal effect, to maximize the use of light energy, thereby increasing rice yield?
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【目的】为了明确海南地区小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)对氯虫苯甲酰胺和乙基多杀菌素的抗性现状和抗性发展趋势,为制定有效的化学防治措施及抗性治理策略提供参考。【方法】