
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:manzhiyi
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滨海县港务管理处在港口业务严重不足的情况下,不等不靠,坚持以市场为导向,积极转换企业经营机制,参与市场经营,着力寻求企业新的增长点,努力扩大经济总量,取得显著成绩。1994年全处完成产值925.6万元,创利税66.3万元,分别是1977年建处时的13倍和6倍之多。企业连续多年被县委、县政府授予文明单位,先后被晋升为盐城市先进企业、优良企业和一星级企业,成为全省县级内河港口企业的佼佼者。 近年来,该处面临急剧变化的市场形势,坚持眼睛盯住市场,广泛发动全体干部职工人人都当经营者,个个都做信息员,形成全员搏击市场的良好氛围。同时,他们还加大奖励力度,在全市交通行业率先推行重奖制度,大胆 Binhai County Port Management Office in a serious lack of port operations in the case of unreliable, adhere to the market-oriented, and actively transform the business mechanism to participate in market management, strive to seek new business growth point, and strive to expand the total economy, access to Significant achievements. In 1994, the output value of 9,256,000 yuan was completed and the profit and tax of 663,000 yuan were completed, 13 times and 6 times as much as that of the establishment office in 1977 respectively. Enterprises for many years been county Party committee, county government awarded the civilized unit, has been promoted to Yancheng advanced enterprises, excellent enterprises and one-star business, become the county’s river port enterprises leader. In recent years, the department is facing a rapidly changing market situation. With its eyes fixed on the market, it has launched a broad-based operation of all cadres and workers, all of whom are informants and formed a good atmosphere of full-fought fighting in the market. At the same time, they also increased rewards, the city’s transportation industry took the lead in implementing the rewards system, bold
研究ATP结合盒(ABC)转运体ABCG2、ABCB5在多发性骨髓瘤(MM)RPMI-8226和NCI-H929细胞的表达及意义。方法:用实时定量反转录酶-聚合酶链锁反应(qRT-PCR)及蛋白印迹(Western blo
当今市场经济时代 ,许多人走出以往封闭集体的“房间”的时候 ,道德必须随之社会化。这种社会化的道德只能是社会公德。与公德相对应的人格是大人格。只有大人格的普遍化 ,才
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