Effect of long-term low-dose lα,25-dihydroxy vitamin D_3 on the expression of aquaporin 2 in kidneys

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Objecfive To investigate the effect of long-term low-dose1α,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3[1,25(OH)2D3] on rat kidney aquaporin(AQP) 2 expression in 5/6 nephrectomized rats.Methods Twelve Sprague-Dawley Objecfive To investigate the effect of long-term low-dose 1α, 25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 [1,25 (OH) 2D3] on rat kidney aquaporin (AQP) 2 expression in 5/6 nephrectomized rats. Methods Twelve Sprague-Dawley
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突然发现同事李姐是个特别有生活智慧的女人,是她在给上大学的女儿娅娅系列电话后。  五年前,她离婚了,为了女儿,她一直没再嫁。一遇到娅娅的事,就像拿了她的七寸,原本温柔善良、优雅知性的她就乱了分寸。有一回娅娅被同学打破了嘴唇,李姐一下子暴跳起来,冲到学校,咆哮声把打人的孩子吓得呆若木鸡。李姐对孩子的溺爱是闻名遐迩。  一晃,娅娅考上了大学。她刚去上学那些天,李姐整天失魂落魄的,每天不与女儿通个电话不
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