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1992年初,邓小平同志的视察,使深圳再次掀起了改革开放的春潮。深圳人民决心经过若干年的努力,带头造一个社会主义“香港”。目前,深圳正在采取一系列新的改革措施。最近,我们在深圳进行了有关股份制改革的调查。一、深圳股份制改革及证券市场发展概况深圳市是我国进行股份制改革试点最早的地区。早在1986年10月,深圳市政府就颁布了《深圳特区国营企业股份化试点暂行规定》,国务院1988年初在“关于广东省深化改革扩大开放加快经济发展请示的批复”中,肯定了“企业可以在省内向社会、个人发行股票,可以批准在各经济中心城市相应设立一批企业资信评估机构和专门从事股票、债券的代理发行、承购包销和买卖的证券公司。”“国营大中型企业要积极推行股份制。”在以上精神的指引下,深圳在企业股份制改造和试办证券市场方面进行了积极的探索,股份经济发展很快。至今,已有股份制企业200多家,其中100多家为有限责任公司,119家为股份有限公司(二者的区别主要在于后者是由五名以上股东组成,企业全部净资产分为若干等额股份,股东就其所队股份承担有限责任)。在119家股份有限公司中,有13家是原来的公有制(包括国有和集体)企业进行股份制改造而来,其余为新组建的股份公司。119家中有公众公司(即向社会公开发行股票的公司)17家,至今已有11家上市(其股票在证券交易所集中交易),其余将陆续上市,内部公司(其股票由发起人认购或内部发行)102家。在全市工业总产值中,股份制企业约占10%,股份制外贸出口占全市总出口量的5%。 In early 1992, Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s inspections made Shenzhen once again set off a spring tide of reform and opening up. The people of Shenzhen are determined to take the lead in creating a socialist “Hong Kong” after several years of hard work. At present, Shenzhen is taking a series of new reform measures. Recently, we conducted a survey on shareholding reform in Shenzhen. I. Shenzhen’s shareholding reform and development of the securities market Shenzhen is the earliest region where China’s shareholding reform pilots. As early as October 1986, the Shenzhen Municipal Government promulgated the Interim Provisions on the Pilot Program of the State-owned Enterprises in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In the early part of 1988, the State Council affirmed the “review of the Guangdong Province’s deepening reforms and opening up to speed up economic development.” It is possible to issue shares to the society and individuals within the province, and to approve the establishment of a group of corporate credit rating agencies and securities companies specializing in the issuance of stocks, bonds, underwriting, underwriting and trading in each economic center city.” “State-owned large and medium-sized companies It is necessary to actively implement the joint-stock system.” Under the guidance of the above spirit, Shenzhen has actively explored the reform of the joint-stock system of enterprises and the trial of the securities market, and the stock economy has developed rapidly. So far, there are more than 200 joint-stock companies, of which more than 100 are limited liability companies and 119 are joint stock limited companies. (The difference between the two is mainly that the latter consists of more than five shareholders, and the total net assets of the company are divided into equal amounts. Shares, shareholders have limited liability for their team shares). Of the 119 joint-stock companies, 13 were public-owned (including state-owned and collective) enterprises that had been reformed from the joint-stock system and the rest were newly formed stock companies. Among the 119 companies, there are 17 public companies (namely, companies that publicly issue shares to the public). So far, 11 companies have been listed (its stocks are concentrated on stock exchanges), and the rest will be listed one after another. Internal companies (whose shares are subscribed by sponsors or Internally issued) 102 companies. Among the city’s total industrial output value, joint-stock companies account for about 10%, and joint-stock exports account for 5% of the city’s total exports.
采用固体透氧膜(SOM)法直接电解还原Nb2O5制备金属Nb。在CaCl2熔盐体系中,电解电压控制为3.2 V,以经过1 200℃预烧4 h成型的Nb2O5为阴极,氧化锆管内碳饱和的液态铜合金为阳极
<正> 河南省地上地下文物遗存十分丰富。为了全面掌握和摸清现存文物遗址分布状况,更好地为社会主义建设服务,从1984年起,我们组织了约四万余人的普查队伍,在全省范围内展开
目的 探讨不同年龄段骨质疏松老年人骨质密度的CT值范围。方法 通过定量CT测量 2 86例 60~ 80岁老年人 2~ 4腰椎椎体。结果 随年龄增长骨密度定量CT值下降 ,女性较男性更明
目的 探讨超声对胎儿肾窦分离动态观察的临床意义。方法 用多功能超声诊断仪跟踪观察 110例胎儿肾窦分离动态变化规律。结果 一过性胎儿肾窦分离 76例 ;短期性胎儿肾窦分