提升履职能力 不断开创市场规范管理工作新局面 甘霖在全国工商系统市场规范管理专家型人才培训班结业式上的讲话(节选)

来源 :工商行政管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktyl2000
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在当前贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,深化政府机构改革和职能转变的新形势下,工商行政管理工作面临新的发展机遇和挑战。划转流通环节食品安全监管职责、改革工商登记制度、推进政府职能转变,对工商行政管理部门赋予了新任务、提出了新要求,必将深刻影响工商行政管理改革发展。市场规范管理工作要根据刚刚闭幕的全国工商行政管理局长座谈会的要求,认清形势、明确任务,抓住机遇、迎接挑战,以深化改革统领全局、以强化监管促进发展,进一步开创工作新局面。作为市场秩序的坚强卫士,工商行政管理部门必须始终坚持把市场监管作为第一职责,把工商职能切实转到创造良好发展环境上来。 Under the new situation of implementing the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and deepening the transformation of government institutions and functions, the administration of industry and commerce is facing new development opportunities and challenges. The transfer of food safety regulatory responsibilities, the reform of industrial and commercial registration system to promote the transformation of government functions, the industrial and commercial administration department has given new tasks, put forward new requirements, will surely profoundly affect the reform and development of industrial and commercial administration. According to the requirements of the just concluded forum of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the work of standardizing the market should make clear the situation, clearly define the tasks, seize the opportunities and meet the challenges so as to deepen the overall situation of reform and command, strengthen supervision and promote development, and further open up a new prospect of work . As a strong guardian of the market order, the administrative department for industry and commerce must always take market supervision as its primary responsibility and effectively transfer the functions of industry and commerce to create a sound environment for development.
老年慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease,COPD)合并Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者在心肺功能失代偿期常常伴有肾功能损害 ,如何早期发现 ,是临床非常关注的问题。我们
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