The choice of coating method for the pipeline depends on what principle depends on two factors: the first is the performance of the protective coating, which is determined by the process characteristics; the second is to consider the cost, which has a large impact on cost The first priority should be construction technology rather than the cost of raw materials. Currently pipeline coating materials are the following: 1. Coal tar enamels and asphalt. Epoxy powder 3. Polyethylene. 4 winding tape. 5 polyurethane system. In the past decade, asphalt and tar-based coatings have been used for pipeline corrosion protection. The biggest drawback of this coating is the coating under the action of mechanical deformation flow. In order to solve this problem, thick composite coatings have been used, generally 4 to 6 mm in thickness. Also used to enhance the coating and asphalt coal tar impregnated glass