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国际园艺学会于1982年8月30日至9月4日在西德汉堡召开第21届国际园艺大会,中国园艺学会已于1981年作为联系会员加入国际园艺学会,经常务理事会扩大会议讨论决定,推选北京农业大学园艺系沈隽教授、山东农学院园艺系蒋先明教授和中国科学院植物研究所北京植物园龙雅宜副教授组成代表团前往汉堡出席大会。沈隽教授作了题为《中国落叶果树的研究》的报告,蒋先明教授在会上作了题为《运用源库关系控制蔬莱产量的形成》的报告,龙雅宜副教授作了题为《中国观赏植物研究的新进展》的报告,这三篇报告的摘要都已在大会论文摘要汇编中发表。 出席大会的人数共2146人,来自77个国家。收到的特约报告、一般报告和板报共1371篇,除正式的学术报告外,大会还在会议期间组织了多次半天至一天的在汉堡当地及附近的参观,在会前及会后分组到外地进行五天的关于蔬菜、花卉、果树等的专业参观,这些参观都是自由参加的。我们的代表团参加了会后从9月5日至9月8日的第七组园艺参观团。 International Horticultural Society held its 21st International Gardening Conference in Hamburg, West Germany from August 30 to September 4, 1982. China Horticultural Society joined the International Society of Horticulture as a connected member in 1981 and discussed and decided upon by the Standing Committee at its enlarged meeting , Professor Shen Jun, Department of Horticulture, Beijing Agricultural University, Professor Jiang Xianming, Department of Horticulture, Shandong Agricultural College, and Associate Professor Long Yayi, Beijing Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, were invited to attend the conference. Professor Shen Jun made a report titled “Research on Chinese Deciduous Fruit Trees”. Professor Jiang Xianming made a speech titled “The Formation of Vegetable Yields Controlled by Source-Sink Relations” at the conference. Associate Professor Long Yayi made a speech titled “ New Progress in the Study of Ornamental Plants in China ”. The summaries of these three reports have been published in the compilation of the abstracts of the conference proceedings. The total number of people attending the meeting was 2146, from 77 countries. In addition to the official academic report, the conference also organized many half-day to one-day visits to local and nearby Hamburg, prior to and after the meeting to group a total of 1,371 special reports, general reports and board reports Field trips for five days of professional visits to vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, etc. are free to attend. Our delegation participated in the seventh group of horticultural tours from September 5 to September 8 after the conference.
本文从思维导图在教学过程中的运用入手,针对如何使学生由被动学习转变为主动学习,提高教学效果,谈一些自己的见解,供同仁参考。 This article starts with the application