Diversity and species-specificity of brood pollination of leafflower trees(Phyllanthaceae:Glochidion

来源 :植物多样性(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mipanglin
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Glochidion(Phyllanthaceae;leafflower trees)is a genus of trees which is widely reported to be pollinated by leafflower moths(Gracillariidae:Epicephala)in temperate and subtropical Asia,Australia,and the Pacific islands.However,the pollination ecology of Glochidion is not well described from tropical Asia,the region where it is most species-rich at both local(≤9 spp.)and regional(-200 spp.)scales.Here we report investigations of pollination biology and species-specificity of five Glochidion species in tropical Southeast Asia(Cambodia).Through nocturnal observations and fruit dissections,we find that at least three and likely five Glochidion species in Cambodia are pollinated by seed-parasitic leafflower moths.We find no evidence that any of these leafflower moths are non-mutualistic parasites,despite known examples of such parasites of this mutualism elsewhere in Asia.While the presence of a single larva in a fruit results in only a fraction of seeds being consumed,the presence of more than one larva per fruit—a frequent occurrence in some species—can result in almost all seeds within the fruit being infested.Multilocus phylogenetic analysis indicates that there are five different minimally monophyletic leaf-flower moth clades,each of which pollinates a unique Glochidion host species.Our results indicate that in its center of diversity in tropical Asia this system is an obligate pollination mutualism as previously described at the global margins of its distribution.These findings provide insights into the processes that generate and maintain biodiversity and maintain mutualism stability in plant-insect interactions in this biodiversity hotspot.
含Ti硅酸盐玻璃在基础科学研究和应用技术开发上均有重要价值,亟需对其进行准确的成分分析,为进一步的科研工作提供重要的数据支撑.对玻璃进行电子探针分析时,由于样品的易损性和其中(Na和K)阳离子在电子束轰击下极易发生迁移和扩散,因此往往需要经过条件实验来确定合适的分析条件,确保样品在该条件下能够保持尽量稳定的状态,才能获得相对准确的定量分析结果.本文通过改变电子束束斑大小、电子束束流强度,以及待测元素特征X射线谱线峰位的计数时间,对高Na(NTS)和高K(KTS)的两类含Ti硅酸盐玻璃(Na2 O/K2 O
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