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新疆维吾尔自治区是我国5个民族自治区中最大的一个,也是我国面积最大的省区。她拥有160多万平方公里的土地;有维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、蒙古、回、柯尔克孜、塔吉克、锡伯、乌兹别克、达斡尔、塔塔尔、满、俄罗斯等13个主要民族,1300多万人口。几千年来,新疆各族人民与祖国其他兄弟民族一起,共同创造了光辉灿烂的中华文化。中外驰名的古丝绸之路和敦煌——吐鲁番文化就是新疆古文化的象征。但是,解放前由于历代反动统治者采取的民族歧视政策,使许多文化遗产未得到很好的保存。档案作为人类文化宝库中的一颗闪光的宝珠,也所存无几。档案工作更是十分落后。解放后由于党和国家的重视和关怀,新疆档案工作从建立到逐步健全和完善,已经初步形成了具有一定民族特点,较为完善的档案事业体系,在为新疆的社会主义革命和建设服务方面做出了积极的贡献。 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is the largest of the five ethnic autonomous regions in our country and the largest province in our country. She has more than 1.6 million square kilometers of land and 13 major ethnic groups including Uighur, Han, Kazak, Mongolia, Hui, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Xibe, Uzbekistan, Daur, Tatar, Manchuria and Russia and more than 13 million people. For thousands of years, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, together with other fraternal ethnic groups in the motherland, have jointly created a glorious Chinese culture. Well-known ancient Chinese Silk Road and Dunhuang - Turpan culture is a symbol of ancient culture in Xinjiang. However, before the liberation ethnic discrimination policy adopted by the reactionary rulers of all previous generations left many cultural heritages poorly preserved. Archives as a treasure of human culture in a flash of Orbans, but also survived. File work is very backward. After the liberation, due to the importance and concern of the party and the state, the archives work in Xinjiang has been initially established with a certain ethnic characteristics and a relatively complete system of archival work, and has done a good job in serving the socialist revolution and construction in Xinjiang. Out of a positive contribution.
谨以此献给城市的建设者们──题记   We are dedicated to the builders of the city for this purpose
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中国1.2亿农民常年于城市务工经商,由此催生了一个特殊的群体——农村留守儿童,目前中国的留守儿童数量已达将近2千万。留守儿童的问题,已经成为一个不可忽视的社会问题。 C
入党转瞬五十年,自慰风华青春献。在岗退位严律己,常戒莫触“高压线”。组织调动乐接受,不论高低与贵贱。“三个代表”明方向,跟党奋斗永不变。入党五十年自勉@沈维洲 Fifty yea
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