
来源 :诊断病理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnmeim
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目的探讨输卵管系膜交界性上皮性肿瘤的临床病理学特点及组织起源。方法回顾性分析4例输卵管系膜交界性上皮性肿瘤的临床资料、大体形态、组织学形态及免疫组化结果。结果仅1例主诉下腹痛,其余3例为术前B超或术中发现附件肿块,病变无盆腹腔种植转移;肿瘤位于输卵管系膜内,与同侧卵巢、输卵管分离,囊性,见囊内乳头状赘生物或囊内壁粗糙;乳头为2级或3级,上皮明显增生,可呈筛状,见脱落的上皮细胞簇,细胞轻到中度异型,核浓染,大小较一致,核分裂罕见,未见破坏性间质浸润。免疫组化:CK7和pax8(+),CK20和calretinin(-),CK5/6局灶(+)。术后随访,均无复发。结论输卵管系膜交界性上皮性肿瘤从苗勒管囊肿发展而来,多为单侧发生,无腹膜种植,术式参照卵巢同类肿瘤,预后好。 Objective To investigate the clinicopathological features and tissue origin of tubal borderline epithelial tumors. Methods The clinical data, gross morphology, histological morphology and immunohistochemical results of 4 cases of tubal junctional epithelial tumor were retrospectively analyzed. Results Only 1 patient complained of abdominal pain and the remaining 3 patients were found with preoperative B-ultrasonography or intra-operative attachment mass, and the lesions were not implanted in the pelvic cavity. The tumor was located in the tubal mesangium and separated from the ipsilateral ovary and fallopian tube, cystic, The papillary neoplasms or the inner wall of the capsule rough; nipple is 2 or 3, epithelial hyperplasia, showed a mesh-like, shedding epithelial cell clusters, mild to moderately shaped cells, nuclear staining, the size of more consistent, mitotic Rare, no disruptive interstitial infiltration. Immunohistochemistry: CK7 and pax8 (+), CK20 and calretinin (-), CK5 / 6 focal (+). No follow-up after surgery, no recurrence. Conclusions The junctional epithelial ovarian tumors develop from Müllerian duct cyst, mostly unilateral, without peritoneal implantation. The surgical procedure is based on the same type of ovarian tumors and the prognosis is good.
“截”来的夫人 我的妻子陈今言于1977年6月去世之后,过了几个月,就开始有人劝我“续弦”。我的工作很忙,还要带着3个孩子,给他们做饭,照顾他们的生活,实在累得够呛,也深感
发展集装箱运输 振兴内河航运杨家琪(武汉交通科技大学管理学院,武汉430063)国外内河航运发达国家经多年努力,内河集装箱运输在70年代后期得到了较快发展,北美、西欧和前苏联都建立了二定
在50多年的演艺生涯中,陶玉玲塑造了多个不同的人物形象,丰富了我国影视艺术的宝库。为观念留下了难忘的故事,深得广大观念喜爱。 正如自然界也存在着阴霾和急流险滩一样,陶