Study on the geochemical characteristics of arc-volcanic rocks in the Chiang Rai-Lampang belt of nor

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxiaoxin888
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On the basis of the petrographic characteristics, rock assemblages, petrochemistry, REEs, trace elements and geotectonic settings, the authors described the characteristics of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks in the Late Permian-Early Triassic (P2-T1) volcanic rocks distributed on the eastern side of the ocean-ridge/oceanic island basalts in the Chiang Mai belt. The volcanic rock assemblage is basaltic andesite-andesite-rhyolite. The volcanic series is dominated by the calc-alkaline series, with the tholeitic series coming next. The chemical composition of the volcanic rocks is characterized by high Al2O3; the REE distribution patterns are of the LREE-enrichment rightward incline type; the large cation elements are highly enriched, and the volcanic rocks are generally enriched in U and Th and depleted in Ti, Cr and P. The petrochemical plot falls within the field of island-arc volcanic rocks, in consistency with the projected points of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks in the Lancangjiang belt. These continental mar-ginal arc-volcanic rocks, together with ocean-ridge/oceanic island-type volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai belt, con-stitute the ocean-ridge volcanic rock-arc magmatic rock belts distributed in pairs, indicative of eastward subduction of the oceanic crust in the Chiang Mai belt. This result is of great importance in exploring the evolution of the paleo-Tethys in the Chiang Mai belt. On the basis of the petrographic characteristics, rock assemblages, petrochemistry, REEs, trace elements and geotectonic settings, the authors described the characteristics of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks in the Late Permian-Early Triassic (P2-T1) volcanic rocks distributed on the eastern side of the ocean-ridge / oceanic island basalts in the Chiang Mai belt. The volcanic rock assemblage is basaltic andesite-andesite-rhyolite. The volcanic series is dominated by the calc-alkaline series, with the tholeitic series coming next. The chemical The composition of the volcanic rocks is characterized by high Al2O3; the REE distribution patterns are of the LREE-enrichment rightward incline type; the large cation elements are highly enriched, and the volcanic rocks are generally enriched in U and Th and depleted in Ti, Cr and P. The petrochemical plot falls within the field of island-arc volcanic rocks, in consistency with the projected points of continental marginal arc-volcanic rocks in the Lancangjiang belt. These continental mar-ginal arc-volcanic rocks, together with ocean-ridge / oceanic island-type volcanic rocks in the Chiang Mai belt, con-stitute the ocean-ridge volcanic rock-arc magmatic rock belts distributed in pairs, indicative of eastward subduction of the oceanic crust in the Chiang Mai belt. This result is of great importance in exploring the evolution of the paleo-Tethys in the Chiang Mai belt.
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